To the Rescue! – Part 21

Hi everyone new episode for you x thank you

0:00 Hello there
5:37 Gameplay begins
43:05 Fire rescue?
1:28:20 Camp moments

Thank you Tom de Ville for joining in the adventure x


19 thoughts on “To the Rescue! – Part 21”

  1. Late but congrats on your win! You and everyone at Larian deserve it 1000%. Hopefully this kicks some dust up in the game industry and sets things back on track for the gamers. Delicious game from the design to the scripts to the lighting to all the VAs. I've spent about 720 hours of my life in that world, will still be many more. Very well done all around.

  2. Congratulations, Neil <3 You so so deserve the award for the performance of Astarion, incredibly meaningful and deep work that has resonated with so many people. You are such an inspiring artist, thank you so so much! ๐Ÿ˜€ <3

  3. Dude, I think I've played through Act I, like, five times and I've NEVER found that Zhentarim place. Didn't even know it existed, so thank you for walking me through how to find it, haha. I have a playthrough that's about where you guys are, so I'm gonna check that out before the next stream.

    Asra tossing cat Bow'ee (Meow'ee?) had me rolling. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. I donโ€™t have much, but I wanted to send a thank you and congratulations for all the hard work youโ€™ve put into this character and into this community (along with recent news on your award!!). Incredibly well deserved, we can see how much love and devotion youโ€™ve put into him, and thatโ€™s a big part of why heโ€™s become someone who makes others feel seen (myself included, during one of the most difficult periods of my life). I admire your work greatly, and you have brought such fun and joy into my life. I hope you enjoy your BG3 playthrough as much as I enjoyed my own!!


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