TNA ran it’s latest PPV Against All Odds 2024 this weekend and it featured the return of Jeff Hardy. The main event was Moose vs Matt Hardy for the TNA World title but he took his broken brother along for the ride. This is a full review of the show that took place. I give this wrestling show a 5/10, it is lacking storylines but some of the matches really lifted this show up!

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  1. The irony of MarkyD calling himself a TNA fan then accusing the PPV matches of not having a storyline, Just proves he doesn’t watch TNA even more. There were a few without storyline but they were still brilliant matches. Literally a 8 or 9 out of 10 show but there’s always an excuse to mark it down

  2. It's nice to see Matt in a solid match, since most of what he's done since his Woken run in WWE has been forgettable. TNA helped him get his credibility back, if only Jeff hadn't said he was going back to Carolina to talk to Shannon instead of doing a run in.

  3. I'm just like you Markyd with TNA 2.0 as I always call it now lol I just can't get into their product anymore and one of the reasons is like what you said, it's too indie like and then the lack of story lines. I really hate their new tiny arena, it looks terrible and I'm not a big fan of their roster. I know you like Joe Hendry but I can't stand him lol I just have no interest in his gimmick whatsoever lol and I've always hated Jorydanne Grace, her body looks even more disgusting now and she's definitely on some roids lol.

    Only thing I was interested in was this with Jeff Hardy returning and that cinematic segment they also did at the Hardy Compound. They're definitely living off of nostalgia because watching that segment brought me back to Impact from 2016-2017 when Matt first started the Broken gimmick but still sadly that's not enough for me to tune into the product just for them because this is a different time now and the product isn't the same anymore like those times.

    TNA from like 2009-2012 was my favorite. They didn't look like a poor indie show especially when Hogan and Bischoff came in and their roster was stacked back then. Their roster now just sucks.

  4. Im really torn with this TNA wwe partnership on one hand i grew up with TNA and i dreamed of this. But at the same time its like 15 years late with arguably the most mid version of the tna roster with no one i care about and bunch if aging ex wwe guys. I just don't know how to feel

  5. TNA doesn't need WWE wrestlers, it needs bookers, and WWE has the perfect guy in Bobby Roode, he knows both the company and the product better than most if not everyone in WWE, and most of TNA, if he was head booker I'm sure things would finally start to change for the better in TNA, instead of people having to hope for one or two good matches a night.

  6. Did anyone else find the ref inthe Jordynne/Paxley match distracting? Not because she's bad at her job or was getting in the way, she was actually pro. Just something about her aura kept pulling my focus from the wrestlers. Maybe she has star quality.

  7. I was about to comment on how the wrestling looked pretty good, no near fatalities, entertaining. But then there was Matt Hardy. Can he perform a match without props?

  8. I didn’t watch the show.. just read the results. But the fact that the main event was a 20+ minute Matt Hardy match in 2024 makes me not wanna watch

  9. Soo.. AJ Francis can’t even interfere without botching. And it doesn’t say much for Joe Hendry that he has to be saved by retired Indy mid-carder Ace Steel

  10. I've literally never heard anyone criticize Joe Hendry 👏👏 for not doing lucha stuff.

    He doesn't need a manager though. Especially not Ace Steel. I think they just felt sorry forhim because he couldn't get a job after screwing himself out of AEW.


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