TNA Against All Odds 2005 Review

A slightly above average PPV that featured a phenomenal match between AJ Styles and Chris Daniels.

The PPV opened with a good little match between Elix Skipper and Petey Williams. Not a blow away match by any means, but still a really fun showcase for both men.

Kaz and Michael Shane wrestled B.G. James and NASCAR personality Jeff Hammond… This sucked and it gets a 1 star rating solely because Kaz and Shane deserve credit for trying to work with both of these men.

Raven vs Dustin Rhodes is next and I didn’t like this at all. The work rate was painfully slow and watching Dustin in this era is just painful.

The NWA tag title match between AMW and Kid Kash/Lance Hoyt was really disappointing. Everyone in this match is a really good talent, but for whatever reason they just didn’t click. Match wasn’t awful but I felt it should’ve been way better.

Jeff Hardy vs Abyss in the very first Full Metal Mayhem match was a pretty fun match. These guys essentially just did various weapons spots for 15 minutes (At one point Jeff did a Swanton off the stage onto Abyss) before they went to climb the ladders for the envelopes. I personally thought the concept of having two separate envelopes and it being a mystery as to which one had the title contract was ridiculously dumb. Fun little match but again nothing overly spectacular.

DDP and Monty Brown vs Team Canada was decent enough. It’s amazing to me how just 1 month prior, Monty was main eventing a PPV for the world title and is now stuck in a meaningless tag match.

Styles vs Daniels for the X Division title was a phenomenal match that doesn’t get enough credit. For 31 minutes these guys worked an absolute clinic that had a ton of amazing high flying moves, great storytelling, and the finish of this match was incredible. Daniels attempted a Hurrican Rana that got reversed in a Styles Clash and that in turn allowed him to retain. I highly recommend that everyone go check out this match because it doesn’t get enough love.

Jeff Jarrett vs Kevin Nash for the NWA world title is the main event. After how amazing the Styles/Daniels match was, this had no chance of topping it. The match was incredibly basic/overbooked mess that highlighted how weak the main event scene was in TNA at this point. Billy Gunn and Sean Waltman got involved here and the commentary team tried to make them feel like mega stars and it just went over like a fart in church. Jarrett retained after 19 minutes of pure boredom.

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1 thought on “TNA Against All Odds 2005 Review”

  1. Again I will say Elix Skipper deserved way more than what he got post Triple X
    TNA had this really weird obsession with any outside sports personality they could get. It started with Nascar drivers and then eventually we moved to Baseball players.
    What the fuck is Dustin Rhodes even wearing in that picture, god he was in such awful shape.
    I remember liking Kid Kaah and Dallas, a nice little man/big man team but idk I guess they just didn't gel with AMW.
    I have zero recollection of envelopes being involved in the first full metal mayhem, obviously they didn't include that part in future matches.
    So rather than relishing in a world title reign he should of earned at Final Resolution, Monty Brown is instead teaming with DDP to take on Team Canada. Oh and it gets worse at Destination X.
    No surprise AJ/Daniels was a classic, this is prolly the better ironman match between the two but personally I prefer the BFG match more.
    And yeah after a 30 minute classic between AJ and Daniels, giving the fans 20 minutes of Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarrett was certainly a choice. Crazy to think this was just the norm of Jeff Jarrett PPV main event title matches back in the day. Overbooked messes, run ins galore and a guitar shot as the cherry on top. Billy Gunn or sorry the Outlaw debuts and this is yeah the fact this is what they considered a main event scoop from the WWE is amazing. Sean Waltman debuting wasn't bad but I hear mixed things on his TNA, like he still alright in the ring but I guess there were times where he was fucked up during matches or straight up didn't show up for the show.


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