TMZ No BS Documentary Review & Toe Suckers to the Rescue? #meghanmarkle

TMZ No BS Documentary Review, Netflix Docuseries Updates & Toe Suckers to the Rescue? #meghanmarkle Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Netflix docuseries is set to launch in December.

TMZ releases the No BS Documentary on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

John Bryan the infamouse Fergie toe sucker was called to aid Prince Andrew in his sticky financial and pr nightmare situation.



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48 thoughts on “TMZ No BS Documentary Review & Toe Suckers to the Rescue? #meghanmarkle”

  1. Fergie is the less evil version of Meghan. She's greedy and always seems to have schemes up her sleeve. Remember that video of her trying to sell access to Prince Andrew for £500,000? She's a disgrace! And I believe she's the reason why Andrew was so compromised with Epstein (apart from his own arrogance and massive stupidity–like Harry) because SHE owed Epstein a lot of money and Epstein kept financially stringing her along to get to Andrew. Prince Philip was right to exile her from the Royal Family. She's nothing but trouble for them. So now she's into pushing a narrative of her daughters having royal roles using her ex-lover?! WHAT THE HELL??? Beatrice may step in to some role in the future but that rat Eugenie is definitely out. I believe she leaks everything to Harry and Meghan out of spite for the working royals. And the way that she disrespects Camilla and Catherine is just so petty and disgusting. Remember when she posted a photo of the Queen, Charles, Camilla, William, Catherine and their children on the balcony during the Platinum Jubilee and she crudely cropped out Camilla and Catherine? That was just gross! Is she seven years old?! She's as dumb, vapid, petty, and entitled as Harry and doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the royals. No wonder they gravitated toward that malignant narcissist D-list sewer rat.

  2. With this news you gave us in the filming not being in their home, what are we going to be watching? We’ve all already seen where they went during these two years…so what’s the novelty going to be?? Sounds like it’s going to be a brick..that sinks as soon as you throw it in the water!😂😂😂

  3. Would be interesting to see if the RF sue TMZ because I'm sure it would come out how MeaGain paid them for it. TMZ have been bought to spout lies before by Britney Spears father. They have no integrity

  4. They couldn't allow filming in their home because they don't have a home and there are no children. It is all contrived bull. Ridiculous people, nutters who need to be committed in order to be acquainted with reality.

  5. RE: Virginia G she is trying to sue others now because her lawsuit against Andrew was successful. If she goes down that route and her lawyers get too starry eyed with money, even living in Australia won't make her safe. She'll disappear or be sleeping with the crocodiles. She has dirt on a lot of very rich and famous people and political figures. They'll do anything to protect that information from being leaked. If I were her, I'd take my PA payout and lay low.

  6. RDT, if this  Netflix docuseries does not show her cooking, cleaning, and running after both children at the SAME time, together, in the same scene, then we've ALL been robbed by H&M. We're sick of seeing them pretending to be royal when they are not. No kids, no titles, no paid for security for these grifters who are drowning in poo

  7. They were never living together at the M house or anywhere else. This has been a partnership for merch only. He is just as complicit as her and needs to be kept as far away from the Royal as possible.

  8. I would only be interested in the docuseries if they included some footage off their children and at home with the kids.. It would be a great opportunity for them both too appeal too the public by showing a more humanised and relatable side too themselves.. That right there could soften some of the publics opinions if they got too see a softer and more family oriented approach. Just footage off Meghan making breakfast while Harry's trying too manage Toddler tantrums and playing father too these 2 supposed kids.. Meghan walking around with unwashed hair in a ponytail with no make up on and a hoodie and trackies and Harry in his pjs and slippers or something too would show them as more down to earth and like everyone else too! Markle tried too claim that was what it was like for them but we never see ANY of that, it's always them all dressed up with perfect hair /make up and going too all these events etc.. Doesn't present a down to earth and relatable couple you could warm too.. I suspect because they have chosen too leave the private stuff out will result in poor ratings and not very favourable reviews from those who do watch it!

  9. I won't be watching anything they produce, I will rely on my trusty YouTube family to fill me in on the snore-fest. As for the TMZ flop, I wonder how much that cost Sparry? Or maybe one of their backers like Faux-Prah, Elton or TP paid for them? Harvey Levin should be ashamed of himself for even letting that go to air. They made themselves look so uneducated and clearly didn't do any research or they would have known it was all lies!!!!

  10. I call BULL $hit on this dude Jon Bryan they all were at Epsteins island none are innocent even the King the Queen knew it she had to have a fall guy so why not Andrew otherwise if it gone to court all would found out Harry, Meghan, Charles all of them had contacts with the pedo plain and simple

  11. I see no one has addressed this yet, but Garrett Bradley is a 'woman'. I.e., a 'female' director. And yes, she looks incredibly like MM! The name Garrett is typically a male name, but some people do name their female children masculine names, as in Michael Learned, the actress who played the role of the mother in the series, The Waltons, back in the 1970s. It does happen.

  12. I made a comment about this Garrett , I thought he was a girl and said if he had Meghan’s make up on and eyelashes she /He would be stunning . I apologize. I thought Garrett was a woman. I thought he looked exactly like Meg. And would outshine Meg by thousands because Garrett had natural beauty . Sorry Mr. Garrett.

  13. They don't want it filmed at "their home" because they probably don't live there, there are no kids, no dogs, nothing. There is not one bit of truth in anything that they say or do. Pathetic, desperate losers trying way too hard to stay in the spotlight, get into the inner circle in Hollywood and be considered a Hollywood power couple. So, so delusional and yet, the keep pushing. They don't get that they are not wanted, not liked, not respected and way too toxic and dishonest.

  14. Michelle, Love your YouTube Channel & as a subscriber I enjoy seeing you with PDina & Paula M. You ALL should do that again (or you do one) & include other YOUTUBERS like (1) The Royal Grift; (2) BookWorm 2; (3) According 2taz; (4) Tea & Therapy & (5) Lady Colin Campbell. There is someone that has TALKED about NUTMEG WALLIS SIMPSON 2.0 on her YouTube Channel that was EDITOR for a MAGAZINE (that doesn't work there anymore) that INTERVIEW her. The Youtuber is SHALLON LESTER. Michelle you should INTERVIEW her LIVE because she has a lot to say. Looking forward to your next TOPIC. You did AWESOME with PDINA & PAULA M. Love hearing the different prospective from ALL 3 of you. Thanks for STAYING AUTHENTIC!!! Very Respectful,

  15. Its funny that it's a "docu-series" but, not filmed in their home. More lies and propaganda. How much do you think the TMZ piece cost them? TMZ has no idea how the monarchy works. Some people are now saying they think Netflix is trying to dump the docu-series. What do you think? Year of reconciliation?? They have inflated sense of themselves to think you trash people publicly and then say "Sorry!!" and everything is forgiven.

  16. All TMZ is, is the national inquirer and other rags only it's on TV. That's the only difference, they sound ridiculous, they don't know what they're talking about, I find they have no class, and are very aggressive. Rather like vultures don't you think?. Greetings from Canada🇨🇦

  17. They actually think they’re A listers, they want $ millions to film them sitting in the garden watching grass grow, Netflix should give up and tell them to get lost and “We want our money back”

  18. Good luck with the year of the year of reconciliation!! They will never be trusted again!!! Meghan will never have access to the BRF again &if her title isn’t taken, she had devalued it all by herself!!! 👹

  19. Whaatttt no seeing them in their home surrounding !!! Not that I’d watch such BullShittery, they can shove their reconciliation up their backsides U.K. will not except them back, what they did to our Queen and DoE Prince Philip in their dying days!! Who dose that to loving grandparents ? They’re evil to their cores
    Great video 👏👏👏❤️🇬🇧


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