Titanic submarine missing : Who is Shahzada Dawood? One of the richest men in Pak on board |Oneindia

Shahzada Dawood and his son, Suleman, are among the five people who went missing after their submarine, which had set out to tour the remains of the Titanic, lost connection thousands of feet underwater. The 48-year-old Shahzada Dawood is one of the wealthiest men in Pakistan and a UK-based board member of the Prince’s Trust charity. According to reports, Dawood and his 19-year-old son boarded the underwater craft to view the well-known Titanic wreck 12,500 feet underwater. In a press release, his company Engro said and I quote, “On Sunday, June 18, Shahzada Dawood, Vice Chairman of Engro Corporation Limited, along with his son, Suleman, embarked on a journey to visit the remnants of the Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean.”

#TitanicSubMissing #MissingTitanSubmersible #OceanGate

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47 thoughts on “Titanic submarine missing : Who is Shahzada Dawood? One of the richest men in Pak on board |Oneindia”

  1. Its a shame that the death of 5 richest people in a submarine which took them underwater for a joyride is more important news than the Death of 800 common people who drowned in ship in seawaters of Greece for sure MONEY TALKS EVERYWHERE HAHAHA

  2. While 400 poor Pakistanis died in the high seas,trying to get in europe and not helpedby the coast guard authorities and Here 2 billionare Pakistanis are searched for by spending millions of dollars to find the wreckage.
    Only Money is power

  3. ان لله وانا اليه راجعون
    "Innalillahi Wainnailaihi Rajeun"
    We pray to almighty Allah for keeping his departed soul in Jannatul Ferdous and also praying for giving enough strength to his family members,friends and all relatives to overcome this painful loss.
    Ameen Summa Ameen.

  4. “The son of Adam will not be dismissed from his Lord on the Day of Resurrection until he is questioned about five matters: his life and how he lived it, his youth and how he expended it, his wealth and how he earned it and he spent it, and how he acted upon his knowledge.”

  5. Every financial goal requires patience, dedication and consistent spirit knowing that investment is currently the most lucrative business in the world, BTC is positively changing people's lives. I stopped panicking about my BTC the very moment I started working with Mr K last year, his confidence and skills is on a maximum level..

  6. No one will talk about about the minorities in Pakistan.. How the population of hindus and christians reduced from 22 percent to 1 percent till date…. 😢😢😢😢😢

  7. داود سليمانNu pot sa cred ce tragetie, saracul Suleman , chiar imi pare rau de el, sper ca acolo unde este acum sufletul lui sa fie in pace, si sper ca au murit fara chinuri, e ingrozitor ce s-a intamplat. Stie cineva daca Suleman a mai avut frati s-au surori??

  8. Billionaires have too much money they dont know what to do with it while lots of poor people in Pakistan go to bed with hungry stomachs! Share your wealth!

  9. Holy Quran 55/33 – O assembly of jinns and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except with authority (from Allah)!

  10. Doesn't make sense – billionaires get into a 6 metre sub in which only 1 can sleep at any one time, which is bolted from outside just to see half a wreck on the ocean floor at a cost of USD$250,000 each, knowing all the risks (apparently the temperature inside the sub would have reached the temperature of the surface of the sun at the time of the implosion). To skeptical potential customers and others worried about its lack of certification and other maintenance issues, Rush said it was as safe as crossing the street. Will he go down in history as the best salesman on earth?


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