Tips for Every Overwatch 2 Hero Rework

Jump right into Overwatch 2 Gameplay and master the more tricky aspects of the new hero reworks & abilities with these helpful tips!

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00:00 Intro
00:11 Doomfist Slam Cancel
00:36 How to Counter Doomfist Tank
01:03 Orisa Ult Combo
01:58 Sojourn Tips
02:28 Bastion Rocket Jump
03:00 DVa Can eat Bastion’s Ult
03:12 Sombra Rework Tips
04:16 Winston Rail Melee Combo
04:48 Brigitte Tips
05:28 Reinhardt 2.0 Tips
05:58 Cassidy Sticky Grenade

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43 thoughts on “Tips for Every Overwatch 2 Hero Rework”

  1. Its kinda dumb that the sleep dart bypasses DoomFist block , he is already heavily countered by Ana , if it was able to block it would be a good skill check both for Ana and DF.

  2. Cassidy's new mag grenade feels kinda boring to me tbh, I would've preferred something like a molotov cocktail you can throw on the ground for area denial or hitting targets for dot damage, drawing some parallels with Ashe instead of being a Tracer Ult but heat seeking and less powerful.

  3. "Since no one plays support, we're listening to the community, and we've decided to implement changes that make playing support even worse. Here are 20 new DPS heroes so you could sit in queue even longer."

  4. If I could summarise OW2, it's this… it feels like 5 individuals vs 5 individuals now, instead of 1 team vs 1 team.

    In all my time on the game thus far, the new focus on deathmatch gameplay means hardly anyone coalesces whatsoever.

  5. its sad when a tip for a character is to run away lol, also briggs shield charge ends up giving less distance in ow2 as in ow1 you could get a nice jump using the momentum

  6. I'm on the fence of whether I like OW2 or not. Sometimes I feels fun to have a super fast game and movement is insane compared to OW1. You can really get around the new maps so quickly. But in all honesty, this new game feels like the devs have catered for about half of the entire games roster. So many heroes are now pretty much useless…really not a good reflection on the new direction for the game.

  7. The anti-doom tip extends to sigma as well. Hold your rock until you see doom start power block, you'll easily be able to stun him out of it and prevent him from getting value. If he's charged up wait for him to uppercut forward he'll be much easier to hit since you know he can't use his punch for mobility without loosing the power-up.

  8. Freedo, I would love a guide for defending ow1 maps like kings row first. People seem to want to play as if there are barrier tanks because of the past. It feels like defending ranged DPS are just asking to get picked before the attackers have any map control.

  9. I'm so glad they reworked Doomfist into a tank. I HATE DPS Doomfist, I despise the "Get in one shot someone and get out for free" it drives me insane. Characters that literally require you to swap to a very specific character to counter them in this case Sombra, is imo, bad game design.


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