40 SpaceX Starships are terraforming Mars. Slowly transforming the Martian atmosphere, water begins to flow on the surface. Building the foundation for long term Mars colonization.

Going beyond the ‘First 10,000 Days on Mars’ and 2050, this is a timelapse look into the future.

Humans are surviving on Mars underground, in a crater habitat. A deep crater is enclosed, creating a mini Earth that is open and breathable. Tunnel diggers dig into the sides of the crater, creating more space and connecting other craters, landing pads, and lava tubes to form an underground Mars colony network..

In part, inspired by:
Mars garden quote: The Expanse – Chrisjen Avasarala

Living on Mars – TED Talk by Stephen Petranek

Andy Weir (The Martian) – Conversations With Joe


Building on Mars – Articles
Join the newsletter to read my new articles about “Building on Mars.” Or you can view them at my website: www.vx-c.com.

• From Dust to Structures: How to Create Concrete and Metal on Mars
• The (Not So) Simple Act of Building on Mars: The Engineering Challenges of Constructing on the Red Planet


A terraforming sci-fi documentary, and a timelapse look into the future of Mars colonization.


Book recommendations from Elon Musk on artificial intelligence, Mars, future technology and innovations, and sci-fi stories (affiliate links):

• Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies https://amzn.to/3j28WkP
• Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence https://amzn.to/3790bU1
• Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era https://amzn.to/351t9Ta
• The Foundation: https://amzn.to/3i753dU
• The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: https://amzn.to/3kNFSyW


Other videos to watch:
• TIMELAPSE OF FUTURE SPACECRAFT: 2025 – 3000+ https://youtu.be/RL74Jb4OU9U
• NASA 1958 – 2100 (Timelapse of past & future technology) https://youtu.be/2qaDEt7PCMI
• MOON BASE – THE FIRST 10,000 DAYS (Timelapse) https://youtu.be/XOhz7ZBZ_1U


39 thoughts on “TIMELAPSE OF TERRAFORMING MARS (Turning Red Green)”

  1. Thank you for watching. If you enjoyed this timelapse about building on Mars, you might like my new written articles, such as "From Dust to Structures: How to Create Concrete and Metal on Mars." These articles can be viewed on my website http://www.vx-c.com , through my newsletter, or on my Patreon Membership.

  2. This follows along the same line that author Kim Stanley Robinson wrote about Mars. A three book series called Red Mars, Blue Mars, & Green Mars.
    If you haven't read this series I would recommend them, it's a good read and thought provoking.

  3. all fine & good & might be necesary to preserve the human race in an extiction event, but it will take hundreds of generations to teraform mars & we have almost destroyed the earths environment in 4 generations.
    I wish we would take teraforming the earth more SERIOUSLY!

  4. I have a very strong feeling that this is a little bit too optimistic.we may be HEVILY overestimating our technological strength.but EVEN if we have the technological strength there are various other problems.political mostly.

  5. All great ideas…but if they could get the planet to spin after, it would create a closer to Earth gravity. After living on Mars in those conditions. Without a artificial gravity sources. The people will not be able to come back to Earth. Their body structures will also start changing from the difference in gravity.

  6. I've never seen a more detailed project for the terraformation of Mars. However, the use of nuclear weapons doesn't seem a good idea.

    The visuals used for this video are excellent. I recognise the use of Midjourney. Great piece of art!

  7. From what i read Terraforming Mars without having established a magnetosphere in the first place is not really feasable, sunwinds will instantly dissolve the new formed atmosphere

  8. personally i would prefer setting up a few giant ion generators and creating ion barrier bubbles… importing ice and other materials as needed to create an atmosphere in the bubbles and expanding one or more bubble at a time. if done properly you could go out into the asteroid belt and bring back rocks that have important resources ie ice… and sling them into the barriers to slow their decent.
    all you need to stabilize an atmosphere is to get the magnetosphere to intensify the ionosphere…

  9. You guys are the best of the best when it comes to making these futuristic theories turn into what feels like a real time documentary – incredible work!

  10. I would think it would be better to use a hologram management system that can block, dim and make a sun so can grow on deserts and desert planets, more than one side to a rainbow / because who wants to try to drink water or try to live on a planet with nuclear radiation from nuclear bombs

  11. how about i give you a ticket on space station with it donkey show tube toilet and i watch you from the Oneill cylinder earth like self-cleaning toilet on turkey day when you need more time on tube because didn't get yoga candy with the line forming [ terraforming time donger]

  12. John O’Neill's 1945 book "Almighty Atom: The Real Story of Atomic Energy," he recommended terraforming Earth with continuous bombardments of atomic bombs in the

    Arctic region, to trigger rapid global warming, and therefore make the entire world moister, warmer, and better. His vision of terraforming Earth has been gradually realized through fossil fuel burning.


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