A sci fi documentary looking at a timelapse of future spacecraft. From the future of AI spaceships, Starship orbital refuelling, and space station worlds, to Mars colonization and in-space manufacturing.

Other topics include: SpaceX and the launch of their fleet of Starships โ€“ waiting in parking orbit around Earth, ready for the launch window to open to Mars. NASA and the mission of landing on the Martian Moon Phobos. Advances in spacecraft technology for protecting humans during multi-year interstellar journeys.

While the year 2100 and beyond, brings wormhole exploration, artificial intelligence based planets, and the possible need for a stellar engine โ€“ to protect the solar system.

Main narration by: Alexander Masters (www.alexander-masters.com)

Starship Artwork โ€“ used with permission and licensed from:
Erc X: https://twitter.com/ErcXspace
Caspar Stanley: https://twitter.com/Caspar_Stanley
Alex Svan: https://twitter.com/AlexSvanArt

Additional footage sourced from: SpaceX, NASA, ESO, Ken Crawford, Nick Risinger, Northrop Grumman, SpinLaunch, Redwire Space


A spacecraft sci-fi documentary, and a timelapse look into future technology.
See more of Venture City at my website: www.vx-c.com


Book recommendations from Elon Musk on artificial intelligence, future technology and innovations, and sci-fi stories (affiliate links):
โ€ข Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies https://amzn.to/3j28WkP
โ€ข Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence https://amzn.to/3790bU1
โ€ข Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era https://amzn.to/351t9Ta
โ€ข The Foundation: https://amzn.to/3i753dU
โ€ข The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: https://amzn.to/3kNFSyW


Other videos to watch:
โ€ข NASA 1958 โ€“ 2100 (Timelapse of past & future technology) https://youtu.be/2qaDEt7PCMI
โ€ข THE FIRST 10,000 DAYS ON MARS (Timelapse) https://youtu.be/G3hPH_bc0Ww
โ€ข MARTIAN ASTRONAUT TRAINING (The Future of Mars) https://youtu.be/dxgeHtkpnEc


27 thoughts on “TIMELAPSE OF FUTURE SPACECRAFT: 2025 – 3000+”

  1. great ideas, but that is all. just ideas. easy to make speculations that have no connection with the reality on the ground. going to mars in 80 days in 2035? really? based on what real fact? fiction, and just that. at least try and be realistic in your predictions, just a little bit… otherwise this is just a clip for children to get excited about space ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. All of this is bullshit. I doubt that starship will get into work that fast seeing as even today it hasnโ€™t been approved for orbit. The entire mars thing is completely made up and so is the fusion rocket engines as we re at least 20 years from ground grade profitable nuclear fusion on earth and are at least 50 years away from space approved ones. All of this video just uses buzz space words and ideas I had at grade 7. Up your game

  3. A Mars ruled by Elon 'smash the unions' Musk, where those who couldn't afford the cost of their passage, could 'work it off', aka indentured labour. I have never seen a single fawning interviewer, ever ask him questions about his political vision for space. Whose laws apply? If someone doesn't want to do their dangerous, dirty job anymore, do they starve? If he has ever been asked anything like this, please show me, otherwise, it appears that feifdom is what he has in mind. ("Mr Musk, will Mars be a democracy?" … … "… and if the people vote to takeaway all your money and power? .. Mr Musk? Elon? Can someone get him some water. I think he's just fainted."

  4. 10:12 excuse me but the center of the Milky Way is what, 35 000 light years away? How can you get there in 45 years without faster-than-light travel? The fusion ram scoop you describe could perhaps get to .5c if it were accelerating for many decades in a hydrogen dense part of the galaxy, such as a string of nebulae(highly improbable), but 45 years to the center of the Milky way? I think you meant 45 000.

  5. spacecraft? To date, the spacecraft has technology from 10th-century china when they use to use gunpowder to proper arrow rockets. In the 1500s the first rocket manned flight in China. Unless we crack reality we are not going to be able to leave the solar system in one lifetime

  6. I think some animation should be done by using scooby doo caractures because some dumb people like might come up with a good idea.. What would happen if an astronaut died in space? have a casket ready to ship it back to Earth or cancell the mission???

  7. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (John 1:1-3)


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