Time to Save the World Again | Let's Play Metal Gear Solid 2 Blind Part 1

In this blind Metal Gear Solid 2 Master Collection PC gameplay walkthrough, Snake meets Olga Gurlukovich.
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00:00 Intro & Readings
11:49 The Story Begins…


Hi, I’m Welonz! I love games with great stories, and on this channel, I primarily play titles with engaging and immersive narrative-driven experiences: anything from medieval fantasy to futuristic sci-fi, from hidden indie gems to high-profile AAA hits.

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► Metal Gear Solid 2 – Master Collection Version

Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2131640/METAL_GEAR_SOLID_2_Sons_of_Liberty__Master_Collection_Version/

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#MetalGearSolidMasterCollection #MetalGear #Konami #HideoKojima


34 thoughts on “Time to Save the World Again | Let's Play Metal Gear Solid 2 Blind Part 1”

  1. Hi everyone, let's get back into MGS!!!! fyi the schedule for this is probably going to be every other day-ish.

    I had to skip the main menu cutscene b/c of copyright stuff, but it was just a intro montage & had nothing story-wise. You can check it out here: https://dai.ly/x8zpj74

  2. The tranq gun works best with headshots (with a little practice I'm sure you'll be headshotting enemies in no time). Enemies will fall immediately. When aiming you can hold L2 or R2 to lean that way and shoot around obstacles (similar to peeking around corners when pressed against a wall), hold them both and you will lean up. The stars indicate how close they are to waking up. They start with 3 when knocked out. 1 star means they're close to waking up. The Zs for sleeping enemies also change as they get closer to waking up. They seem to be waking up for you faster than they did on the older PS3 remaster and PS2 original. I guess they changed it for this newest PC version. They previously didn't wake so fast unless you were on higher difficulties. You can hide bodies in lockers by dragging them in if you want.

    Also try and remember to call your allies during boss fights for tips and extra back story on bosses. This may seem anticlimactic but if you want to hear more convos and lore its a good idea.

    These MGS playthroughs have made me realized how lucky I was when I first discovered your channel and there were hundreds of Dragon Age and Witcher videos to binge through. Watching them as they release is cool too and a different experience. Gives one something to look forward to for each new release 🙂

  3. "Shalashashka" is not a real russian word, it just pretents to be one. As well as the name "Nastasha" isn't the real name, there is "Natasha", a kid name for Natalie, though in theory names could be whatever parents decide to name their kid.

  4. Sigh…another """"""""""Normal"""""""""" mode playthrough of this game. Absolutely disheartening

    Well what you "missed" during the Olga fight is that since you are playing on glorified Story Mode, you can just stand around in the open getting shot in the head 39 times and win instead of actually figuring out the boss mechanics.

  5. "Shalashaska" seems to be a horribly mangled Russian word "Sharashka", but even then it hardly makes any sense for anyone to be called that.
    And yes, this name was mentioned at least once in the original MGS, in one of his monologues during the torture scene.

  6. hey, nice to see new players in franchise! A little advice: this game has like half of the interestning stuff in codec convos, when your item or weapon equipped, when you looking at something interesting in frist person view(hold r1 and then go to codec menu to ask otacon about stuff), don't miss it. Try to equip pentazemin and call otacon for some fun stuff! Also, if you return to locker room section where theres girl posters – try to look at them in first person view and call otacon 😀

  7. That one guard you tried to tranquilise at around 40 minutes in, you actually shot his radio not him. It's funny because if you shoot their radio and then you're spotted, they will try to call it in but then realise they can't and you only have to deal with that one dude. Hope this info helps. Also I want to give helpful tip for controls because it really, really helps when shooting around corners or obstacles in first person view: when aiming in first person hold either the right or left bumper (L2 or R2 for PlayStation) and Snake will alter his line of sight to see around further. Trust me, it helps.

  8. I'm sure you probably know this by now but when you're aiming in first person you can hold square to aim your weapon and release to shoot, on top of that while you're in first person you can use L2/R2 to 'lean' left and right, pressing both at the same time and you'll be able to tip toe and see a bit above you. You can also hold L1 and square to run and gun (outside of first person) similar to MGS1 but snake will auto aim to the enemies body if he's facing them as opposed to their head which is more effective (like how you can do if you're in first person)

    When you're leaning up against a wall, you can hold L2/R2 to peak (as long as you're at the edge of a wall) and use square aim but this expose your whole body, from here you can aim in first person.

    I think these are the most important to know in this game mechanic wise

    Also while you're hanging you can also use L2/R2 to peek above you but is usually unnecessary and will drain your stamina quicker but is kinda cool to know I guess?

  9. Some tips.
    1. Do codec calls when you are in a funny/weird situation for easter eggs. Examples being in a locker, looking at girl posters, ect. You can also take pics of things with the digital camera and Otacon will comment on them eventually such as girl posters, unconscious Olga, ect. Lot of hidden things in this game like that.

    Also you can hold up soldiers by sneaking up behind them and drawing your gun. That is how you get most dog tags and they drop items that way too. Also as others have said, tranq to the head will pretty much put them asleep forever and instantly.

  10. Hey hello Welonz, i'm glad to see you're still around. I was looking back at my old bookmarks and saw your channel… I remember watching you play Life is Strange way way back, so i'm very happy to see this huge catalogue of playlist of various games you played during these years. I'll be sure to go back and look at some of your stuff, like your VA-11 HALL-A videos. Hope you'll have fun playing Metal Gear 2 !


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