"Time Of The Antichrist" – Letter From Recently Deceased Pope

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6 thoughts on “"Time Of The Antichrist" – Letter From Recently Deceased Pope”

  1. I gotta well, duh. I'm not a super religious person, but given the fact that so many people easily accept evil as good and good as evil. I don't blame him for thinking that way. The best way to handle it is to try and be a good person live your life.

  2. There are no real christians left, they all died in the first wave of covid, which was really the rapture.
    Joshua had been readying himself in the desert since 2012 when the world 'ended' and we most certainly are in the last days of false religion.
    Be careful of the knife held behind the back of anyone still alive claiming themselves to be Christian in any way: the true followers of Jesus are gone now, we now all have our own prophecies to live out.

  3. The Bible states much of this. How Satan influences the world, how much he's in control of the world, how his end is near and he is doing everything to have people not only disbelieve God's existence but to hate God and his believers. To lead people to immorality, violence and debauchery that will distance them from Gods' will. That was his main accomplishment in the garden of eden after all. So its really not surprising for people who read and study the Bible that religious leaders are stating the same. Jesus also prophesied the end, and it you don't have to look to much to see how bad things keep getting.


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