Tim Dillon & Norm Macdonald Roasting The View

Nobody is Worse than The View


39 thoughts on “Tim Dillon & Norm Macdonald Roasting The View”

  1. "me and norm are on the millionaire tonight, if you thought he was dumb today wait until you see him tonight"

    then norm brought out his intelligence and went on to dominate the game show😂😂😂

  2. Why are these two comedians being put together?
    Why do people feel the need to compare two completely different people to continue one brilliant man's legacy and put it on someone else's shoulders when they are also an original but not as brilliant comic?
    Appreciate the differences. Similarities are bupkus

  3. Bill Cosby statements didn't age well lol, he probably knew that they knew that he was spanish flying people…. kind of morbid..

    but it's great to see Barbra walters sweat… and notice that she hasn't met anyone like him lol (true)

  4. Condoleezza Rice – who is actually fairly intelligent — went on the view and it was immediately obvious that she was just on a different level. She gave a speech about not raising black kids to think of themselves as oppressed, and they cut to commercial.

  5. I've seen that old clip of Norm on the View and every time I see it recently, I'm reminded how they really didn't want him to say anything bad about Clinton, but now it's OK to say as much bad things as they want about any Republican.


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