Throne and Liberty: The Best Looking MMO Coming This Year | Asmongold Reacts to Force Gaming

Asmongold Reacts to Throne and Liberty: The Best Looking MMO Coming This Year

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28 thoughts on “Throne and Liberty: The Best Looking MMO Coming This Year | Asmongold Reacts to Force Gaming”

  1. i was a lineage 2 player 2 decades ago. So my opinion is a bit biased. But still i believe the game doesn't look as promicing as I'd wanted to. I've seen a lot of game trailers 10 times more interesting than this one, and still any of these games were what MMORPG players were looking for in the last decade. Nothing really impressed me about this trailer. A lot of games have good graphics, a lot of games have similar and even better fighting. So I dont know.
    I guess the trailer doesn't show much, so there must be more to it…But considering that the game will launch in 3 months, the avaliable content is weirdly small. If they nail music as with Linage 2 and Aion I'll give them +2 right from the start.

  2. Will this game be a once off payment or a monthly subscription? I've googled and looked everywhere and nothing is giving me an answer or even mentioning it.

  3. 20:37 "Thats cool"
    If PVP is based on in-game time of day and players can change the time of day, within a week the no-life pvpers are going to form a guild/group and enforce PERMANENT NIGHT on a low level area.
    I know they would.
    I'm a (recovering) eve online player and thats what I'd do.

  4. I think its important to put out for boss loot that either the weather is snap shotted at the start and thats what drops or whats happening when it dies. Personally snap shotting the start is better since I can see it being frustrating if the fight does run long or theres no predictability to the weather condition length and occurrence that it becomes a head ache. Imagine getting the boss to 5% and the rain stops, so either there needs to be predictability and fixed length weather conditions like every 20 hrs it'll rain for 2 hrs so you can either start the fight ahead of time aiming to kill it when the rain starts or you kill it within the 2hr rain storm. The boss mechanics I think are fine to change dynamically with weather but loot drops locked behind weather should be treaded carefully and not made to be a pain. As far as skills affected by weather depends on how it works really if the effect feels like its nerfing you or making someone OP then people will get upset, also if the effect is too good people will be unsatisfied with the base skill and want the effect to always be there like the lightening effect being full skill damage now in aoe will make just a single target strike feel like shit since you just went from 500% damage increase (5 targets hit by 100%) to just a normal 100% damage, so even if it makes it aoe damage it should be balanced around the normal attack meaning you hit 5 targets but it only does 50% to 5 targets I would say it should function off diminishing effect meaning the more targets hit the less it does, since in the grand scheme its the same old strike not stronger by any means just now it the electricity can freely move to more targets and by doing so less electricity goes through the primary target.

    It certainly should heavily tested and vetted in beta and alphas should include the effects and player feedback closely listened to cause it can make or break the feel of the game. Mob spawns on certain conditions isn't that big of a deal, loot is the biggest thing from bosses, dungeons and such is meh, would be cool but if its lower level dungeons that have those features people will just never do them. Sounds attacking castles on rainy days is just a no go, since why would you remove an avenue of attack, unless its to catch the defenders unaware but I can only imagine castle sieges happening in a separate instance and during specific windows like most games, so theres never really surprise attacking just a question who has less of a life to get their entire guild on at 3am to attack when they know the other side won't be at full strength.

  5. Everytime I see L2, I start to get overly nostalgic about the good ole days. And then rage fills me thinking of L2Classic, but then I feel very content because Aion Classic was executed so well that it restored my faith in NCSoft. Hopefully they get this right.

  6. Bet they pulled the game off because Lost Ark was already out at that point. They know they can't compete so change coursed. Game is now very reminiscent of BDO instead, and BDO already lost its place it's a great time to put a "reskin and upgraded" clone to replace it

    Weather affecting game content is gonna be very controversial and causing conflicts with players to players interaction. Imagine an entire guild spawn camping and denying regular players from a world boss who drop a unique gear. RIP

  7. gw2 you can reach max level some features are disabled including the auction house (to avoid bots), if you want to play the new stuff you buy an expansion. also 2 of them are now bundled if you already had one of the two, you get the other one for free

  8. Easy PK at night can be just a gimmick that sounds nice, but it has the potential to be an amazing system. They would need to have small incentives outside PvP for people to go out at night, and also have things they can only do at night in town. The gameplay cycle should make night time a time where you can either stay in town doing relevant things, go out to kill people or go out trying to survive while completing an objective. This is outside dungeons and raids, of course.

  9. No fast travel is a bad idea for 99% of games. A game needs a creative alternative and needs to be developed with it in mind for no fast travel to work. It also increases the requirements on detail and content distribution. I want no fast travel if the gameplay becomes better because of it.

  10. You can see chatters who have never touched BDO in their life talking about the UI of the game.

    The UI is fully customizable. You can make it as clean as you want lol.


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