Thoughts on Signal Dropping SMS Support + Q&A

Signal announced that they will stop supporting SMS on Android. Let’s discuss the implications of this.

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I’m the Internet Privacy Guy. I’m a public interest technologist. I’m here to educate. You are losing your Internet privacy and Internet security every day if you don’t fight for it. Your data is collected with endless permanent data mining. Learn about a TOR router, a VPN , antivirus, spyware, firewalls, IP address, wifi triangulation, data privacy regulation, backups and tech tools, and evading mass surveillance from NSA, CIA, FBI. Learn how to be anonymous on the Internet so you are not profiled. Learn to speak freely with pseudo anonymity. Learn more about the dangers of the inernet and the dangers of social media, dangers of email.

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44 thoughts on “Thoughts on Signal Dropping SMS Support + Q&A”

  1. I think the real reason for Signal to drop SMS is probably because it was a burden to maintain it in terms of development as well as QA.
    They have a small team and want to be able to move fast.
    I think people can understand that so I don't really understand why they gave this reason instead.

  2. I've used text now, it is awful, & plagued with ads & trackers, their selling all your data.

    But I'll use it as a burner number just because it's free, I've sadly used them for years. Also TextNow requires you to pay to use 2FA & they will block messages with 2FA codes prompting you to pay for premium. This means they SCAN every message to censor this stuff.

    I would say, never use TextNow if you can afford something like MySudo, only use it if you need something for free but dont forget that your paying with your data.

  3. Wow I cant believe a viewer was so deranged to ask "why support musk"

    Imagine how brainwashed you have to be to think like that, these leftists are in a cult. The dude legit makes electric cars & solar panels, he smoked weed & makes rockets. But they hate him cause he supports free speech. Imagine being so scared of what someone might say that you need to ban them from talking.

  4. You won’t ever lose me rob you speak whatever you gotta speak. It’s been a interesting road w you i feel like we’re connected in a way, whatever you’re topics are i speak of them in the same week before your podcastswhats shadow banned.
    But rob alot of these comments That don’t make sense and I get to stress you had fun with the other talking about that’s because that’s exactly what they made you bought a text and buy attacks are made to physically distract you and Waste your time or for you to think bout over n over and make you wonder n gaslighting you. Its just government mind control

  5. I use TextNow and it works fine on WiFi only. However phone tends to heat up and even though talk time is now unlimited almost every time I've used it after about 30-45 minutes of talking it would kick you off and you would need to Kill the app and recall your contact.

  6. Rob, to attract new bees and with inflationary pressures mounting maybe some content on low and no cost steps to start the privacy journey. After all it is a process, the barrier to entry is obtainable for those that are willing to spend the time and a few days wages.
    Like any addiction taking steps is more successful than taking a leap. If a normie hears get rid of this, this, this and that right now! Failure.
    Like the Rob Braxman privacy snowball. List all the threats from least intrusive to deadly and start modifying behavior by not participating in say location tracking then deleting unused apps then reading tos to every app then uploading family pics to clouds then zuck etc.

  7. I think Signal wants to switch from the default stateless SMS protocol over UDP to their proprietary stateful protocol over TCP.

    Stateless protocols (SMS) simplify the server design and does not require many resources because there is no communications tracking of session/connection details.

    Stateful protocols (texting apps that don't support SMS) track setting preferences, window location, recent activity; all communication sessions between users are are stored and logged, including context and history, requiring backing storage on central servers.

    Question is, do you trust Signal?

  8. I agree Rob, everyone has the right to free speech.

    It doesn't matter what platform you are on, there
    seems to always be morons that disagree with a
    person's point of view and without clearly explaining
    why they disagree, will demand that the person they
    disagree with, jettison what they believe and replace
    it with the unexplained unexplained point of view.

    If a person wants me to believe that 2 + 2 = 12,
    that person
    has no choice but to explain to me how 2 + 2 = 12.

    I don't consider myself to be the smartest brain on the
    planet, but if the only thing a person that disagrees with
    my well, thought out analysis on a given topic is to
    continually scream; You're wrong; without elaborating
    on how it is I am wrong; I figure that person is an idiot
    that must be ignored.

    I would certainly not allow such an idiot instruct me
    on how to write a program; why would I allow such
    an idiot instruct me in any other subject matter?

  9. Simple SMS Messenger has an issue with me. some SMS wont be sent. The SMS app on my Lineage ROM has also an issue, sometimes wont notify me of new SMS until i turn on the screen. Since the Signal thing, i need to find a good SMS app

  10. I had been able to get exactly one other person to use Signal in well over a year – my wife. The moment I got the notification in their app that SMS would be dropped, I hit the support email with "No SMS, no Signal because I cannot convince anybody I know to use or consider it." No response. I won't really miss it. I only ever encountered two other people randomly who were also using it – A priest and a confusing but pleasant little ball of personal drama I worked with last year before she moved out of state. It was always a bit buggy, sucked for MMS, and group messaging was a mess. I did like being able to message my wife directly from the desktop app at work.

  11. Could you make a "standard" sms messenger that at least scrubs mms metadata and doesn't collect any information?
    Is there one like this that already exists?

  12. It should be no surprise that an advocate of privacy is also an advocate of open discussion.
    I'm surprised you have people interested in your topics who also are in favor of censorship.

  13. 1:01:29 I think you missed the point about the Twitter going down thing.
    It's not about that kind of quality of Twitter you think of. Even if you think Twitter is bad, Twitter is the most popular social media platform and most politicians and public figures post on Twitter, not on any other social media platform, and user-reported news is mostly on Twitter, followed by Telegram.
    Many people (mainly political left) say they have closed their Twitter accounts. Many companies have announced they will stop advertising on Twitter. Twitter makes money mostly from advertising and advertisers don't like offensive or unpleasant speech which could drive people away. This kind of things in the commercial aspect are what some people refer to when they say Twitter is going to go down.

  14. Hey Rob, I just spread your information to my Post office lady and she is awesome 😎🤘. I hope she gets one of your phones! I woke up today and my music jango app was uninstalled and I didn't give it permission. I was going to throw this phone but need it until I get a phone from you. Money is so tight I started a go fund me so I can try to get one. Thank you for your honesty and I appreciate your help during the disney google elite takeover.

  15. Signal making big mistake. Which is greater net-net, few incompetent complainers who accidentally texted in the clear and want to whine that they were idiots OR losing millions who were slowly migrating over to Signal? Thing about app-growth, is it's like a storm. It gathers slowly until there's a storm and it becomes the standard. Signal was on-track to become THE messaging app. Even iPhone users were beginning to realize Signal was better than iMessage. But Signal just blinked and relinquished their dominant position. A strategic blunder. Lotus123-style blunder. It happens. Too bad, as Brax says, there's no viable substitute for Signal.

  16. They're throttling anything that's pro pri[vacy]-sec[urity] or anti-narrative. Thou feed really wasn't effected much. Occasionally glitches video but audio stays coherent.
    Is there something unsecure about Wickr I don't comprehend? Speek sounds interesting.

  17. I might actually listen to this if you didn't take one and one-half hours to share your thoughts on the topic listed as the subject of this video. How about a few minutes' rant on it? Who's got time to tune in for a ridiculously long video on this? Not I.

  18. It's irresponsible to promote Signal to friends/family anyway bc when their phone gets lost/broken they'll lose all their texts and blame you. Signal is garbage bc their too stubborn to implement a secure way to sync message history. I've been saying for years that they deserve to croak and here it comes.


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