Thought Mother Dog Abandoned Her Cubs But No! Little Puppies Were Trembling Waiting For…

Thought Mother Dog Abandoned Her Cubs But No! Little Puppies Were Trembling Waiting For…

We originally saw the mama dog near a small restaurant. She was moving her puppies one by one with her mouth. We asked the waiter about her, and he said because of constant rainy weather lately…So she keeps moving her puppies to safer and dryer areas. However when we got there, we couldn’t find the mama…

PIX: [email protected]

#ThePenguin, #MotherDogPuppies, #MotherAbandonedPuppies


35 thoughts on “Thought Mother Dog Abandoned Her Cubs But No! Little Puppies Were Trembling Waiting For…”

  1. We originally saw the mama dog near a small restaurant. She was moving her puppies one by one with her mouth. We asked the waiter about her, and he said because of constant rainy weather lately…So she keeps moving her puppies to safer and dryer areas. However when we got there, we couldn't find the mama…

  2. Какие прелестные малютки!!! Никогда мамочка- собачка, не бросит своих деток, только смерть , люди, которые являются главным злом не разлучат их! Каролина чудесная мамочка и не влюбиться в неё невозможно!!! Счастья, ласковых ручек и добрых , любящих родителей ей и её милым деткам!!! Спасибо вам большое за помощ этому замечательному семейству!!!🤗❤️❤️❤️🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕

  3. Parabéns pelo trabalho valoroso que fazem. Aqui em Campos Novos-SC também temos um grupo de apoio aos animais abandonados e maltratados pelos humanos do mau. Todos podemos de uma maneira ou outra colaborar para que nossos animais tenham uma vida feliz e digna!!

  4. Agradeço de coração por resgatar esse lindo cachorrinho abandonado por quem ele mais gostou , mas o dono selvagem abandonou , desejo a todos muitas felicidades com abraços de Portugal

  5. 생명을 소중히 여기시는 천사님들,,세상의모든복 다 받으십시요..정말 고맙구 훌륭합니다..그리고 수고많으셨습니다..고맙습니다…


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