This Year's Model-Rebecca

Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Rebecca, a transgender woman on Skid Row.

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Here’s a link to a GoFundMe campaign to help some of the people seen in SWU interviews:


26 thoughts on “This Year's Model-Rebecca”

  1. screen play idea for rebecca .a post apocaliptic future, the transgender hero faces a world .reshaped by chaos.faced with a surreal futuristic gender reassignment surgery navigates Los Angeles shattered society wearing a sparkly dress. your welcome rebecca !

  2. less than 5 mins in and i'm already at the verge of tears!!! Rebecca, honey!!!! LOOK AT YOU GOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm so sorry for all the things that spin around in your head…I get it, I really do…your mind can truly be a battlefield at times. It's hard, but baby girl, you got this!!! Look at how strong you are!!! Look at you KILLING IT!!! I know you don't know me, but just know, that I, and so many others are SOOOO proud of you!!! You're not becoming a star sweetheart, you ARE a star…you were born a star, you just had to find yourself!! Keep going!! We believe in you. Don't ever stop believing in yourself!! All these hardships will pass with the right help, the right people, and the right resources. Keep talking to Mark. Keep seeking help. We are your audience Rebecca and this is your stage. Show us what you've got and what you're made of!!! ♥

  3. God Rebecca this is the woman we SO WANT TO SEE!! You are so beautiful as a person and we honestly ARE rooting for you! We KNOW you can get clean and sober and once you do that, I’m sure doctors will be GLAD to let you start transitioning!

  4. Rebecca please know, you are not alone sweetie. Not at all.

    I get an absolute kick out of you, Beckie. Stick around will ya? I wanna see what you've got in store for an encore baby cakes!! ❤❤ you don't feel loveable, most people don't. We've all got a story and only you can tell yours.

    Stay humble Rebecca. With that, you'll grow leaps & bounds. Pinky swear!!! 😊❤

  5. Limiting myself to watching just one video of Rebecca every two weeks feels like only being allowed to read one page of a captivating book each week. While I acknowledge the value of Rebecca's life surpasses that of a book, the anticipation leaves me with a unique sense of longing.

  6. Rebecca may benefit from Ayahuasca Treatment. Everyone who has done it says it changed their life in the positive.
    Bottom surgery is a nightmare. I support Rebecca as a trans women but that surgery is barbaric and not a single person who has been through it is satisfied with the outcome. Jazz Jennings. Shapeshifter. Countless others. Jeffery Star. Blair White have not gone “the distance” yet they are beloved and have huge followings on social media. I’m a stranger on the internet leaving a comment. My opinion means nothing. Please research the names I’ve referenced and make your own decision.

  7. Do you know what would change if "Rebecca" got his sex change? Nothing. Nothing would change except his genital situation. Someone should tell him that. He is absolutely insane. I don't feel pity or empathy for this person. If he ever got the help he needs…if he HAD gotten it before it was too late, he wouldn't want to hack his stuff off. That's old childhood trauma blended with an unreasonable amount of drugs. Nothing would change if he got a sex change.


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