This Woman's Disappearance Left Australians Stunned

On November 12th, 2020 suspected financial fraudster, Melissa Caddick disappeared a day after federal police officers raided her Dover Heights home in Sydney, Australia.

A little over three months later, a grim discovery was made when Melissa Caddick’s severed foot washed ashore some 310 miles from her last known location. Was she a victim of foul play? Or could she still be alive today? #Mystery #Crime #SlappedHamMysteries







43 thoughts on “This Woman's Disappearance Left Australians Stunned”

  1. As an Aussie, I'm still waiting for more evidence of death before I'll say she's gone.
    I know there were some human remains found that had her DNA connected to it, but, I'm still thinking that was a way for her to "disappear" completely…
    I'm no expert, by any stretch of the imagination, but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it's a duck !! Lol

  2. Would someone cut off their own foot to get out of such a legal problem? Doubtful. But paying a surgeon a tidy sum to anesthetize her and remove it for her? Without a doubt. So the authorities should keep looking for both of them – she is around somewhere. And I don't think it is impossible to reattach a new foot. More cash and a poor willing donor, happy to exchange a foot for some cash, and the corrupt surgeon to sew it back on… she could walk around looking like a million dollars. If that was the result of a shark attack it would likely be half a leg, not just a foot that looks like it was removed as close to the ankle as possible.

    Farfetched? Mmmm… With that insane amount of cash available to her and a desperate need to vanish, I wouldn't rule THAT out.

  3. I'm Australian and heard about it as it happened and watched the documentary about her but my question is… when they found her foot, was it a clean cut or jaggered? Was it obvious that it was gut off or obvious that it was chewed off, bitten off, ripped off? How was it detached? Though decomposition, things like that would still be obvious

  4. You people are SERIOUSLY saying she took off her own foot, threw it in the water in hopes someone would randomly find it, and has never been seen again, despite being a high profile case and a lady on one foot? COME ON!!!!!!!

  5. I LOVE this NEW "HAM" CHANNEL and All things True Crime!!
    Someone who is as savvy as her, she probably set up a plan for when the walls kept crumbling around her, however, since the foot in the running shoe matches hers, then, she's not as savvy as anyone would think and probably threw herself into the sea, commiting suicide. I feel really bad for her son and hopefully she secured him a decent life and no harm would ever come to him. A very selfish, crooked individual that destroyed a lot of lives including her own!!
    As the saying goes…
    "Crime does not pay!!"
    Watching from NYC 🤘🏻

  6. Excellent story. Also she ripped of her parents, brother, friends and business colleagues. In short she had financially destroyed everyone she came in contact with. Would she fake it? Why wouldn't she?

  7. Personally I think that the ex-husband had her done in and hell since it is Australia I'm sure they got some pretty mean sharks out there and they're pretty hungry. Although even I don't know how they could eat her because I have never heard or knew of her but she still gave me a bad taste in my mouth but that's my opinion.

  8. Folks, When a human body decomposes in the sea water, it literally swells and rises to the surface after 3 days before releasing its poisonous gases. Because a sneaker is a fixed structure, it would cause the swollen dead foot to tear off from the ankle during decomposition due to the swollen leg and ankle releasing pressure on the compressed swollen foot. Sharks and fish will not eat a decomposing corpse which has been in the sea for over 5 days due to the smell and stench emitted from the corpse. The other foot would have also torn off from the corpse of Melissa Caddick and has never washed to shore because it was probably dragged out to sea by the prevailing currents. As someone who has spent years investigating homicide murders, it is fair to say that Melissa Caddick committed suicide by jumping off a cliff near her home at Dover Heights Sydney NSW Australia. This is because she knew that she was going to be sentenced to a very long jail time and because she was so materialistic, she decided that her life was not worth living if she was confined to a jail cell without her hairdresser husband and stolen wealth.🤠


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