This will change the fabric of society…

Privacy is assaulted in broad daylight and everything we do is recorded with an unforgiving permanence. We trade away our private data for services and conveniences — not realizing that the government has become party to every agreement we enter into. Due to the 3rd-Party Doctrine, we have no reasonable expectation of privacy in the digital age. The government uses this loophole to purchase data from brokers, completely evading the boundaries established by the 4th amendment.

This invasion into our lives has become completely normalized.

Even if we don’t value privacy ourselves, by not standing up for privacy we actually hurt the most vulnerable in society.

In this video I talk about the very real horrors that have occurred throughout history when surveillance becomes a tool for oppression, stripping away the freedoms of the people, and changing the fabric of society. I explain why this is where we are heading. I also explain some simple steps you can take TODAY tell you what steps you can take TODAY to protect yourself.

00:00 Terrifying Poll: Yes, you’re complicit too!
04:31 1984 is NOW
07:02 Government Data Collection
16:21 Modern Dystopian Governments
23:26 Historical Losses of Civil Liberties
26:00 Surveillance Today
31:29 Free Speech is in Danger
34:01 What Can We Do?
38:26 Privacy Tools
43:28 Conclusion

It’s essential that we start to reclaim the narrative and remind people that privacy is crucial for a free society.

Brought to you by NBTV team members: Cube Boy, Will Sandoval and Naomi Brockwell

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NBTV’s new eBook out now!
Beginner’s Introduction To Privacy –

Beware of scammers, I will never give you a phone number or reach out to you with investment advice. I do not give investment advice.

Visit the NBTV website:

Watch this on LBRY!

Here are a bunch of products I like and use. Using these links helps support the channel and future videos!

Recommended Books:

Beginner’s Introduction To Privacy – Naomi Brockwell

Permanent Record – Edward Snowden

What has the government done to our money – Rothbard

Extreme Privacy – Michael Bazzel (The best privacy book I’ve ever read)

No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State – Glenn Greenwald

Naomi’s Privacy Bag: some of my favorite products to help protect your privacy!

Use the Brave browser!

USB-C to ethernet adapter:

Faraday bag (signal stopping, to protect your fob, credit card, computer, and phone)

Data Blocker (if you’re charging your phone in an unknown port, use this so that no data is transferred)

Computer privacy screen (use your computer in public? Keep your information safe! Choose the size right for your computer)

Phone privacy screen (don’t let people in public see your private data, choose the size for your phone)
Samsung note 10 –
iPhone XR –
Pixel 6a –

Camera cover (for computers and phones, so no one can access your camera without you knowing)

Privacy Tip: Turn off your wifi and bluetooth when you’re not using them!!!


47 thoughts on “This will change the fabric of society…”

  1. The problem isn't the software spaying on us, is the hardware, that is a pretty though one to get around to have real privacy. Would be interesting to hear your thoughts about this.

  2. I used to be the person to be it for surveillance and I can understand why some people are in for the idea, the intent is good but unfortunately big corps and a small percent of people suck big time so it's near impossible to trust someone with our privacy to not get abused and used against us and that's what these people fail to understand.
    Not only government is full of greedy and controlling kind of people but there are also malicious hacker that would use the information against people….

  3. If this sheila was concerned about privacy, she would not broadcast her voice and face for everyone in the world to record and do as they wish with. If she doesn't care, why should we?

  4. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment.

    How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was

    guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any

    rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. – George Orwell 1984

  5. This video would be much better without you repeating all the lies that our Intelligence agencies concoct to manipulate us into thinking that we're freer than people in Cuba, China, etc.

  6. The funniest thing is that the elites could (obviously "would") know about videos such as these, but they just sit back and laugh as they know they have an unbreakable stranglehold on society. There ain't gonna be no French Revolution this time. Of course, it doesn't mean warriors like yourself shouldn't stop fighting.. I do believe in karma and life beyond this incarnation.. so you gotta fight.. but it is really hard to keep one's spirit strong when you know that as things stand, it is like trying to topple a brick wall with a feather. 😞

    Our best hope is a CME sending us back to the Stone Age! At least the fight would be on a slightly more level playing field! 😅

  7. Thanks Naomi. Your biggest threat is your mobile. The next is AI, AGI, ASI, IOTA, Skylink satellites, 5G cell towers and your vehicle. Your electronics will betray you. All sacrificed for convenience and so called safety. Proton email, proton vpn, Tor, Brave, Nostr and top up mobile, faraday bags. Paranoid? Not sorry. Get out of fiat, be aware of family and friends who embrace and engage in these technologies without thought. And watch the BS flow.

  8. The Best Privately is not to tell anyone a thing! The Best Security is you Why would you let some company protect you? if you think because you pay a company to keep your stuff SAFE? By giving out your banking to some company and you think you safe well even the Bible even states "When they say peace and safety then sudden destruction will become them" Right Equifax

  9. @Naomi The problem I have with the tools is that there are too many of them out there. Also, who knows if they are legit/honest actors!

    A Mysudo subscription looks interesting since it provides multiple services. Could it essentially replace the need for proton mail and simple login, and signal, and brave??

    Also, do you use VPN on your phone? What’s a good solution there?

  10. People are irrational creatures, still dumb animals really. If they don't see somebody's eyes watching them they feel as nothing is happening and don't feel an urge to do anything. And many people have no idea how the government works and how laws are made. The schools are grooming people to be dumb losers and submit to authority without thinking.

  11. I wish there would be more people like you in this world Naomi. Since i've discovered your channel and started digging the internet Privacy 🔏 rabbit hole and implications… The more i realize how complicated it is if you really want privacy. Even on material and OS level 🤦🏻‍♂️. But that's what it is ! Let's fight 👊, thanks for all what you do. And beautiful speech♥️🕊️👍

  12. Great speech as always. I've spoken to friends, family and colleagues about why I refuse to get a Home Audio Surveillance Device (A name I coined for Alexa/Google Nest/HomePod/etc devices), every time I do it comes back to, "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear". Its genuinely concerning how blind people are to this type of thing.

  13. Hong Kong? Most economically free?
    You think a vestigial colonial outpost of the British empire was renowned for its "freedom", economic or otherwise? 🤔

  14. Honestly, I think that Brave is not a good option. Maybe I'm cheating or maybe not… We'll see in the future.

    A truly secure or private browser is LifreWolf is way better.

  15. I'm still waiting for the day where they go back to lobotomizing people diagnosed with the same illness I've got, given how the name for it is often used as a slur. All it would take is the right politician to get into office and declare my existence illegal one day and people would probably cheer them on for it despite me not being a threat to anyone (except maybe phone scammers who are unfortunate enough to land on my number). Sure, the info on that is already out for me, but it does show the point of how the data can be dangerous.


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