This will Change Everything You Know..

This will Change Everything You Know..
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The Bible is plagiarized. They kept out a lot of the stuff in the modern day Bible. God is actually mistranslated as God singular when in true reality, when you go to the back into the ancient text, it’s really gods with an S. They took off the S to make the monotheistic mindset. When you read the Enuma Elish and the Atrahasis epic, you realize that they copied all that ancient text and put it into Old Testament of the modern day Bible. It’s all written in stone. These have been translated since the 1800s. So Cambridge and the British Museum have translations and then UCLA did an amazing thing. There’s over a million tablets that have now been out there and they’ve got hundreds of thousands translated.

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41 thoughts on “This will Change Everything You Know..”

  1. Don't worry about Anonymous it's dead-inside, and suicidal.💀

    They have military technology, and are so more capable of hijacking than a casual citizen.😉

    It's obviously even with their "we are legion", that they support evil itselves while blinding you with the "good decisions" they make.🎭

    Humans don't believe anything they say.

    Jesus is coming✝️, and if the bible gets inaccurate then doomsday will be faster than what happened with Sodom.🪨☄️

    It's a spiritual warfare that non-divine beings like us can not understand so we can also not understand the holy scriptures since it is DIVINE LEGIONAintDivineThisMilitaryCognitiveWarfareCriminalsWhichAlreadyUsesTheNameOfThePrincesOfHellWhichLeadSeveralLegions.🫰

    Legion, and all it's supporter will soon fall.👼

  2. It is weird that you who claim science are basing your information based on "ancient tablets". Anyone could write anything based on just bedtime stories and we should take them as facts??

  3. God hates a false witness. The Bible doesn't say that there weren't other gods. But gods made out of gold or stone or dead saints can't hear your prayers or answer them. Much much less can they get you into Heaven. God hates a FALSE WITNESS! Since you weren't alive, nescience. You don't know! Moses was treated as royalty when he was a boy so he got to go to school. Just like if he was in line to be pharaoh. And he probably was, with the princess who saved him IOW a coregency. Ahmose I

  4. Isn't it ironic that the comments won't go past 666? Even though this is the third one I've added since!
    Every success in anything we should refer to the Lord and with the Prophet say: 'Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory' (Ps. 113:9).
    Pride leads to a fall. You trust carbon dating over the word of God. And you teach it like fact when it is only YOUR THEORY! You can't know when this Earth was made because no one was there to prove it or disprove it! Jesus' blood on the ark of the covenant is His witness as well as proof of His virgin birth and that He Lives. Stop being a false witness. You're not a witness at all!
    Jesus Himself told us that the Holy Spirit will teach us "ALL THINGS", and remind us of everything Jesus said:

    John 14:26
    26. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

  5. Just my opinion.
    1.If you want to spend eternity with the God of the Bible, you have to do what's said. Only through Christ will that happen.
    2.In Bible there are gods and then there is God uppercase. My great God.
    3.Enoch was dealing with the watchers. The fallen angels that started sharing their heavenly knowledge to the people and procreating with the women. That's where we got the Nephilim Enoch walked with God. He was 1 of 2 that didn't die but went to straight to heaven.
    4.Think aliens have been around a long time. They are fallen angels working on the great deception. Anything to make people question the existence of God.
    5.I believe people are spoken to and have psychic abilities that come from an evil source only. Bible is so clear to stay away from these thing's. New age systems of beliefs falls in that category.
    6.The Bible is a history book and book of what's coming next. Bible is about 25 % prophecy. It is so incredibly accurate. The creation of Israel in 1948 is a great example.
    7.Satan is the ruler of our world at this time. He will do anything to lead us away from God. His 2 least favorite books of the Bible are Genesis and Revelations. Genesis shows God's love, fury and power in creation. Revelations tells him of his very grim future.
    I love God and my Bible.

  6. So many many souls to be deceived because of this bunch of satanic teaching being taught,and believed. There is only one true God,one Savior….Jesus! The enemy does have the power to deceive and he can manipulate ancient writings to achieve his purpose…The Bible is the true book given to us, inspired by God! So much intelligence of man is foolish…..really! Don’t be deceived, Just Believe and trust Jesus, our True Heavenly Father. It’s really that simple a child can understand. by cynobles

  7. Trinity. Three Gods One Body. Creation (Graviton). Consciousness (Electron) and Self-Awareness (Space-Time). Our Universe is three Universes as One. We are made in the image and likeness of God.

  8. If I was directing my employees to create ai robots in our image. Just means you look like me. Me boss employees under me. They fear the almighty God too. If not we wouldn't be here

  9. This is one of the best videos I have ever seen! I am trying to read The Emerald Tablets, it's a little bit meaty for me but I do Love The Lost Book of Enki which is a telling of The Sumerian Tablets.

  10. I love "God" and I prayed for him to show me truth in everything i do, see, speak hear, touch and love, and this video found me. I understand that the content in this video Could make people rethink about their religious beliefs and yes that alone would cause global chaos as people would second guess not only themselves but the people who preach to them for what they have been taught. However, if you allow your mind to open up to all these fascinating facts it doesn't mean God doesn't exist because he has answered me and now it's up to me to learn all truth instead of people trying to force what "they" want me to believe. It is all there for us to see however the most important parts of our history have been hidden away in order to Globally control the masses. I seek truth and so I feel this video is the beginning of my journey. I am Truely grateful for this video and sharing your findings on something that is remarkable and mind blowing. Thank you.
    Lots of love from Australia🌏🥰💜


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