This was the last few moments of her existence – We have to watch this

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43 thoughts on “This was the last few moments of her existence – We have to watch this”

  1. Broken ankle, hospital trespassing her, she can’t breathe, offered her a cigarette because she’s acting. They used warrant against her crime. She’s dead in cops custody and cops circus around her health condition! Always record the kOpZ! What she wasn’t beautiful enough. Cops are ugly too and disgusting and tyrannical!

  2. There is going to be a civil war? Because you and your 20 moderators listen to your bs… in a nation of 320million. A guy who can't pronounce the word Colonal…CO-LOAN-AL according to jose… This is the great game changer

  3. Dam fool Jose, —–,fix your idiotic transmission !!!! Video and audio were so distorted I couldn't understand anything about this serious abuse case. Get your shit straightened out CHILLE. !!!!

  4. BLUE VERSES YOU FTP We Don't STOP this was the one I was talking about Chillie ty ty ty ty ty ty ty. I'm so so upset over this one man it's just well I have no words ty r
    Ty ty again for sharing

  5. Part of the problem too is a lot of people fake things in healthcare. I’m not saying what they did is right but if people stop faking things and a lot of it would be taken more seriously. It’s unfortunate. But yes they were wrong in what they did

  6. This is horrible what happened to this women and the police officers should be held accountable. And I especially feel bad anytime I see old people mistreated and these cops are scum but I still don’t like you chili. You have so much hatred towards cops that you don’t help the problem. You just make things worse. You see every cop as a bad cop and are a very entitled man child. You scream at cops doing nothing to anyone as if they were the cops in this video. This is exactly how bigotry and racism started. This cycle of hatred will one continue if you let it. They’re horrible police officers that get away with way to much but they’re also police officers trying to make a change and that are genuinely good people serving and protecting there community. I don’t usually like cops. I think some are usually on a power trip and think there above the law and are entitled but I also think that about people like you. Do better and actually audit instead of being an obnoxious jerk.

  7. There are your heroes. If these are heroes, their admirers and supporters are demons from hell. The YT monitors are demons too, and they are committing treason too. The “medical” authorities FAILED their client, they couldn’t diagnose a broken ankle? They don’t have X-ray technology? They treated her worse than dog feces, at least most people pick up their dog feces and put it in an appropriate container. I pray she has family that will get justice for her in death, she didn’t get it in life. The hospital is just as guilty, it’s disturbing.

  8. How many times are we/am I going to witness this stomach churning unfeeling type of scum service? I’m nauseous! I’m a retired and believe a decent father and human being but I’d volunteer to pull the switch on these things they call men!

  9. 🟦⭐🟦⭐🟦⭐🟦⭐🟦🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥



    🚫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐯. 𝐎𝐡𝐢𝐨

  10. They. the very well paid police civil servants….these guys paid to protect and serve the people….let and watched this human being die and thought it a joke and jocular. With a degree of glee. They're "forgiven" for this "glee" by the general public who allow it to happen. We are all in this together?

  11. Everytime I'm pulled over the cops ask me if I have ever been in trouble with police before like ever in my entire life an idk what to say I have a clean record but have been arrested b4 so when I say yea I've been arrested b4 they immediately ask me to get out of my vehicle an search the car or they will call the dogs

  12. I just found your channel and I’m really glad you’re doing what you’re doing. I’m almost 69 years old and have been observing my surroundings with an open mind for decades. I’m a retired firefighter who worked as a reserve police officer. Having been around cops and been one myself I have to say at this point in time I’m more afraid of cops than I am of criminals. I used to eat lunch with a group of retired cops, firefighters and EMS personnel. I was astounded at the drunk on power moronic things I heard as these cops reminisced about their careers. I had my beam me up Scotty there’s no intelligent life down here moment and stopped going to these lunches. The criminals here in small town Kansas are not nearly as organized as the cops who drive around with the thin blue line displayed on their cars and uniforms. Where I live they are more dangerous to me than the criminals. Where I live they are the criminals.

  13. Bro, I love your material. I live in a town of about 80,000, and the pigs here are and have been out of control. Anyway, would or could come here and expose the tyrants? Loveland, Ohio pig town…


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