This War of Mine: Final Cut – Review (Xbox Series)

This War of Mine: Final Cut, despite the premise and uncomfortable scenarios, is still a tactical and mechanically satisfying survival video game that you can attach some numbers to. If I have any major criticism, it would be that the very nature of a videogame – with hard-coded mechanics and rules – allows you to master it with enough practice and that initial sense of helplessness and dread fades.

Now, while you could argue video games are almost always about escapism, their ability to digitally place us in someone else’s shoes and to see the world from a different perspective, can also be used to deliver a healthy dose of reality. At any given time, someone, somewhere, is experiencing the personal horrors of war – it’s just often in chronically unstable, globally-isolated regions without little media coverage (either due to lack of interest, lack of access, or probably both). Games like This War of Mine are an ongoing and necessary reminder of how personal war is, and how callous and inhuman so-called leaders are when they try to justify wars of aggression.

0:00 – Intro
1:05 – Premise
2:12 – Gameplay
4:14 – Presentation
5:25 – Conclusions
6:22 – Score

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