This two-headed guy is the worst [Callisto Protocol – Part 4]

We’re back with two full chapters of Callisto Protocol – next video is the last one! Enjoy!

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31 thoughts on “This two-headed guy is the worst [Callisto Protocol – Part 4]”

  1. The Dutch version of The Mole is actually an extremely popular series in the Netherlands! It has been running since 1999 and has garnered a very large audience here. So much so that finale episodes get millions of views, which is a lot for a small country like NL. It's fun to hear that the program also has foreign iterations in different languages and countries because I thought it was just a Dutch thing.

  2. Ive watched it but i find it boring, like its so generic and nothing seems unique or scary, its very polished but it lacks that scary thrill that deadspace had .It looks like a manly game for manly men that like to beat meat bags.

  3. Man, what you said about games not needing to be so long is true. Like some of my favorite games have been RPGs you sink dozens of hours into, and like you I have hundreds of hours invested in Stardew Valley (only achievements I don't have are the Prairie King ones and I am willing to live with that), but I just lack both the time and the patience for such long games now. It doesn't mean there aren't good, even great longer games. I just would rather pick up and play a game for two or three hours, know I've made good progress, then relax, repeat until finish. With longer games it's started to feel like a job having to go back to them. (Of course, I only less than two months ago became able to play games again due to a treatment for a disability, and that treatment is failing so I have a narrow window before the pain and restricted movement keeps me from playing again. So don't really have time for longer games.)

  4. 1:24:00 MAN that’s so crazy. I went back and im currently rewatching Dead Space 2 (bc this one is so disappointing), and im literally at the spot where Isaac got ejected into the second ship. Dead Space 1 & 2 are Just too good.

  5. How……how has John not yet figured out that you have to QUICKLY STOMP ON THE ENEMIES WHEN THEY FALL DOWN!!!! Omg!!! I swear it's like he's shocked when they pop back up and mutate!?!? Everytime!!! I just can't with him anymore 😆 Especially at that part where he decided to just shoot a group of blind guys and wonder why he died when they surrounded him……….my dude does not have the highest gaming IQ.

    Sidenote: Did anyone else notice when he was listening to Dr. Yunes last message the subtitles said, "Officer Warren" was speaking!?!? Notice – 1:37:21

  6. It's within human nature to min max everything, to optimize and make more efficient, even our fun. Some find fun in fulfillment through overcoming and accomplishing arbitrary challenges, others like the bragging rights, despite it ultimately being pointless.
    Dang humans finding enjoyment in things at varying levels, don't you know it's just skill issue built different nolifing? lmao

  7. Honestly wish he'd just sell the extra ammo he has since he's getting SO MUCH of it all the time and feels the need to complain about having too much so often. He can afford more upgrades. But even then, he chose to play on Normal and the game is absurdly easy on Normal.


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