This Single Item in Stardew Valley Gives BIG Rewards! #stardew


27 thoughts on “This Single Item in Stardew Valley Gives BIG Rewards! #stardew”

  1. I cannot do them. I will not fill the request. It’s really hard for me to do it. Because I smell like suck it you’re on the game and it’s really hard I don’t have any friendships. I can only go to one room and it’s really really hard.

  2. I know it's supposed to be 3 in a row, but is that three in a row accepted or three in a row in general. Like if one is posted that you know you can't do, so you don't accept it, does that reset the counter, or is it only if you fail one that you accepted?

  3. Developers: lets add a reward for completing some "help wanted" quests, that way we can encourage the player to be more friendly and helpfull towards the people.
    Players: Im doing it only for the tiket, otherwise FK off

  4. Let me just stop you right there… IT'S NOT ON CONSOLE OR MOBILE YET!!!! 😢 I've been waiting so long, I'm losing my mind! I'm not mad. Really, i just wanted to be dramatic because it sucks.


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