THIS NEW WORLD IS CRAZY AND A NEW FORM!!!| Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix(Part 8)

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28 thoughts on “THIS NEW WORLD IS CRAZY AND A NEW FORM!!!| Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix(Part 8)”

  1. Aye my boy! I know this was prerecorded but don't know how far this is… A few tips! #1 I would recommend putting reflect in your shortcuts… That way you won't have to navigate towards it… It's much easier to time that way… #2 In port royal magic is your best friend against the pirates! Whenever the pirates are looking all skeleton like… Try casting blizzard or thunder… and I would recommend practicing with the reflect magic too! Go to Hallow Bastion and practice reflecting enemy attacks… #3 all drive forms level up differently you know how valor form levels up with each attack you perform? Well Wisdom Form is a bit different… Wisdom Form levels up with each heartless you defeat. and no…. Dusks don't count… Dusks are nobodies… Basically anything that's white or grey or silver is considered a nobody and anything black or colorful is considered a heartless… and lastly #4 You know how High Jump unlocks the ability to High Jump? All Drive Forms you unlock allows you to access different growth abilities… Every time you get a new drive form be sure to check out what growth ability comes with that form in the ability section… Next time you use Wisdom Form try to perform the new "Quick Run" Ability… How do you quick run you might ask? Check out the "Quick Run" Ability in the Wisdom Form abilities section. Just a little Kingdom Hearts Wisdom I feel you should know!

  2. Great upload as always, Brother Corn.

    Imo at least, it's hard to power scale KH characters. All of them have 1 ability or another that makes them strong.
    But that gets into spoiler territory so I'll keep it low lol.
    Sora is kind of like a living Deus Ex Machina, though lmao

  3. Dude the stream was actually kinda funny man, don’t worry about the fact that you weren’t able to stream KH2 that time.

    Anyways, i do want to say something about the new things you’ve gotten just now: like the new magic Reflect and whatnot, but I think I’ll just hold back my barrage amount of tips this time.

    Although the ability “Dodge Slash” for Sora on the other hand… you might want to ask some other people’s thoughts about that ability when you’re streaming KH2 or whatever. I… had some temptations to say about that ability.

  4. Hey Homie! its Radio from Crisis Comics. This is my main account. To vaguely answer your question: Sora is sometimes a really powerful character. In universe KH2 Sora is ight. And I am pretty sure he can die yes, but it's really difficult to kill him. I won't spoil anything tho cause it gets crazy af. As far as like video game characters go tho kh3 Sora is one of the most powerful. But his power definitely ranges between the different games quite a bit. Huge difference in power between 2 and 3 though. And damn dude, your schedule be wilding out. Anime is dope yeah haha XD. One Piece is classic. Sorry for the long comments all the time lol. Oh, and maybe don't use dodge slash. Also don't let Zexion get you down haha. It's a hard fight, and you're only level 20. You got this. Hope School and work go well man! Thanks for making awesome videos!

  5. I think you at the point where you good to cover game play mechanics on your own. I'll give advice later later when it comes to end game fights (cuz they be hard). You don't need no more advice rn, you doin great
    Glad to see another vid btw
    And hype to catch the next stream!

  6. I might be wrong but I think there's a pretty big overlap of anime fans and kh fans. You know Sora got that anime protag energy.

    Anyway, it may be a bit basic but you know I gotta call out One Piece as the goated anime.

  7. Another KH video happy to be here. Also I'm glad that stream was picking up, wish I could've stayed longer but just happy to support you! Oh nice you got a like from the game devs that's awesome! Getting a little freaky with the intro XD I had another comment on this video that I accidentally deleted but it was just saying that Wisdom form levels with Heartless killed. Also you spoke about Valor being at max level. It was but as you progress throughout the story of the game the max level for your drive forms will increase. So you're not done leveling Valor up, just done for now. Be sure to check in your status to see if you're at max level or not. If it lists EXP needed as 0 then you're at max.

    I'd watch out for spoilers in the comments and in your chat fr. Talking about Xehanort is like already a pretty huge spoiler and there was someone else talking spoils in this comment section. Just straight up with no warning. Just wanted to let you know that.

    Most of the areas in Disney Castle were actually seen in KH1 through cutscenes so I always found it cool to be able to walk around them.

    Those egg Heartless are so funny looking. I always assumed as a kid that they were supposed to be themed with Chicken Little as he appears in this game and it's the first time these Heartless have shown up. But that's just conjecture.

    The last we saw Pluto was Chain of Memories just like you said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy followed him to Castle Oblivion.

    Hahaha yea about the Pooh book stuff. But honestly the minigames in this game are a lot better than they were in KH1, some of them are even pretty fun.

    13:40 this got me so good XD Had me laughing

    Fun fact with Minnie that reaction command you get with her, "Faith", is actually a version of a Final Fantasy spell Holy. The other attack she does is called pearl and when Mickey comes to save you it's something he can do to. Pearl is also another form of Holy. Holy is a very powerful white magic spell, which seems to imply that Minnie has learned at the very least a few pretty powerful spells.

    The question of how "strong" Sora is is kind of complicated. Without spoiling anything I'd say Sora even right now is pretty strong. But all that strength comes from strength of heart not body. Of course Sora probably isn't a slouch there either, he was only 15 in the first game and fought not only the heartless (which is more a testament of strength of heart), but also an entire Leopard in the Tarzan world. But it's kind fo hard to say since I don't think the game is really trying to tell us that he could defeat a leopard one on one. It's more that he has the keyblade and through that can chanel his heart into, cause I don't think Tetsuya Nomura wants Sora to be this big beefy dude or anything. Regularly describing Sora as a "normal kid" that's just been forced into being the hero out of a love for his friends. But since all this power of the Heart stuff isn't in other pieces of media it's hard to make any direct comparisions to other characters. For example like Superman vs Sora or something like that should be easy to call, Superman is far far more powerful than Sora in pretty much every way but if we're to expand the rules of Sora's world to effect others like it affects all people in KH than Sora could probably do any number of things to win a fight. And this goes for a lot of characters in KH no matter how physically powerful they may be. And to specify something about his friends being his power, you're more or less right but it's those connection he's made with others. The invisble strings that tie hearts together that he's drawing power from. He's as much gaining power from his friendship with Aladdin as he is with his friendship with Donald and Goofy.

    20:53 You asked why Minnie didn't recognize the Heartless? This is why. She had probably heard the name Heartless from Mickey's letters but never seen one before in person.

    The Nobodies use Corridors of Darkness, those are the dark portals you see them and a few other characters open up from time to time. They're essentially shortcuts through darkness. It's also maybe implied they use gummi ships? At least the like no name nobodies. A lot of the ships you fight in the gummi ship sections are Nobody ships and Yen Sid mentions that them and the heartless are out there findign ways to link the paths you use to the darkness so that they can send in Heartless and stuff. But I'm unsure if there are Nobodies or Heartless IN those ships or if those just are ship sized Nobodies and Heartless.

    I love the reaction to Timeless River one of my fav worlds for sure. Such a fun idea. Fun fact if you didn't notice not only does Sora look like an old cartoon. It's also a rendition of his KH1 outift since it's a back in time motif. Always thought that was a fun concept!

    The world is obviously based on Disney's old Black and White cartoons but it's plot revolves around Pete's steamboat. Which is from Steamboat Willie Disney's first cartoon with Mickey Mouse. (Although in reality they had been animated for a short private screening of a different cartoon) It's from all the way back in 1928!

    33:51 to save you from some confusion they were seeing this scene on that little window thing Donald opened. It was showing you the past. Just before Sora, Donald, and Goofy got there. Same with the scenes with Pete. It would seem those windows allow a person to look into the past but exactly how they work goes unexplained.

    Yea the model for the drive forms in Timeless river are all teh same but if you take a look at your portrait in the bottom right it does gain a tint of colour depending on which drive form you use.

    41:06 no such thing as looking to deep into KH plot some of this stuff is really out there lmao XD Also it's just fun to theorize!

    I love how Pete's door has a sigil that Represents him, and it includes a whole cigar. Like does Pete smoke in Kingdom Hearts?? I guess?

    Another fun fact about this world! Each of those windows leads into an area that's actually based on old cartoons Disney had done. Just like how the main area is mainly based on Steam Boat Willie. All of these cartoons are from the early 1930's.

    I knew those cars would be a problem lol They're notoriously difficult Especially since they're some of the fastest normal enemies in the game combined with all those I-frames. Most players just aren't prepared going in the first time. That combo on the second try tho was fire 🔥🔥🔥

    47:04 Donald and Sora said that if they were in the past then that means they could do things here to change the future. And Goofy was saying that Merlin told them not to do that. That was the "something dark" Merlin mentioned earlier.

    I like Anime, I haven't watched as much of it as some people but some of my fav shows are Anime. The 4kids One Piece opening is legendary fr I love that! Me and my wife regularly sing that around the house XD What kinda anime are you into?

    56:58 Goofy and Sora were saying the Castle is safe so they could go back now. And Donald said "Wait! As long as we're here …" Implying he was going to do something to change the future.

    Just missed the form change completly XD that got me laughing but you caught it eventually so it's no worries just funny

    Yea Wisdom is one of my fav forms. I find the way it moves and fights so cool. And make sure to try and cast magic in this form if you can. You can cast magic faster and I think it recharges your MP faster as well. And as the main attack has changed to shooting magic out of the keyblade your magic stat is what determines your damage in this form not your attack.

    Yesss the Pirates world is so good. It's one of my fav movie series so I'm pretty biased but I really enjoy this world. The movie at the time was new so this just like Chicken Little was sort of a promotional tie in. But one done very well. The music here is so lit! But you should know it was actually changed pretty substantially in this version. In the OG PS2 version it was actually garbage lmao It's enjoyable but only because it's bad if that makes sense? It's just a MIDI I think it certainly sounds like it.

    There is some censorship in this world from the JP version of this game. I'll touch on more of it in the next video where you'll presumably go further into the plot. But one piece of censorship is that the undead pirates that have crossbows orginally had guns. But for the NA version of the game they changed them to cross bows. Though I think the change must have been a quick one cause those crossbows still look a lot like guns. Also Sora's already been shot with a gun before in Tarzan's world. Clayton used a shotgun. But I suppose these guns were just to realistic for that E10+ rating.

    This video was straight fire the whole way through! Had a fun time writing all this. Hope it all makes sense I got my second vaccine yesterday and I'm still feeling pretty off from that but this was a nice thing to see waiting for me in my queue. Have a good one Corn!

  8. Yeeeaaa duuude, unfortunately, I think you do have to beat all the worlds for the secret ending. Sucks, but the reward is definitely worth it. Also, yes, I'm an anime fiend, lol. I haven't watched much recently cuz I've been busy with work, life, and watching your videos, haha. But I think I might catch up to some anime this weekend.


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