This New Puzzle Game Will Blow Your Mind! – COCOON

COCOON Full Game – my live, unedited look at the new puzzle game from the maker of LIMBO and INSIDE. For better or for worse, see my live reactions to everything, as well as seeing how I work through the puzzles. The main appeal is definitely the atmosphere, so take it all in and enjoy!
Edited by: God

#aliensrock #puzzle #puzzlegame



48 thoughts on “This New Puzzle Game Will Blow Your Mind! – COCOON”

  1. It was quite good, but the excessive amounts of walking made the finish kinda weaker than it should've been. Movement-tech upon activating each orb would've made it far better.

  2. was fun to watch, i def understand frustrations with walking (although i personally dont mind, atleast the longer walks in new areas, shortish walks back and forth in the same place did feel a bit boring) although it was a bit sad when u insulted the game for having an orange platform "off the screen" when there was one on screen, and the one off screen that you said was unfair, you had walked past atleast a few times before,
    was actually a bit suprised it took you that long to put orange in white since i think you couldve done it way before, although you didnt need to yet, i guess those platform ends blended in too much?

  3. Something I noticed is that the purple orb had a whole section teaching you how to use it. Only to use it once later to make the purple Saturn. After that you just explore the purple world and never use it again. I kept thinking they would upgrade the other orbs to have the purple power to cut down on all the walking. You don’t need to force the player to gather all 4 orbs on a platform when you can just summon them all back later. The purple orb summoners were even colored!

    Edit: thinking about it. The recursion mechanism in the green world at the end would have made so much more sense with the purple orb. You summon the purple inside the purple and bam. Time to find an exit portal again. Purple was a little underused.

  4. Thank you Tyler for this post. Although this game was visually pleasing, it lacked the story-telling (maybe I'm too dense) and charm of the previous two games. Those "walking" moments to cool the brain, were filled with interesting set pieces and world building. Not so much in this game. Plus how tedious were some of those puzzles… Typically, Tyler encourages we to purchase a game, surely not this time.

  5. Tyler when facing puzzles: My third eye has already perceived all possible permutations an hour ago. You can hide nothing from me.
    Tyler when in a moderate action sequence: Help, I've twisted my ankle.

  6. Hey Tyler the code at 3:37:30 is 43256 because you missed the next pilar
    you do not need to see the reflection of it on the pilar
    that is the only thing you miss
    and speedrunner finished this game in almost 3 hours

  7. when you first complained about the walking I was thinking that you were nitpicking, it is part of the ambiance after all, but then it kept going, so I agree that it is an issue, especially the parts in which you just do the same thing over and over to get all the orbs across a gap or something

  8. Spoilers if you haven't watched the video yet, and also spoilers for Men in Black (I promise they're related).

    The ending of this game felt like the ending of Men in Black, with the nesting worlds inside worlds. Just the style and scale are different, but not the idea.

  9. I find it odd that Tyler keep calling this an open world game even though it's bluntly a linear game. I mean sure the set pieces are large and there are the hidden collectibles but it ain't no where near what a open world game would have.

  10. Watched half an hour of this video, went to buy the game, finished it to 100% in 5 hours and then came back to finish this vid and see what I missed. The game left me wanting more, real shame it's so short.


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