This "Math Test" Changed How I See Humanity

I think, for example, that pretty much every question about “cancel culture” is a question poorly phrased because “cancel culture” means at least 20 different things, from celebrities going to jail for sexual assault to viral “karen” videos. It’s impossible to be right about cancel culture but very easy to have an opinion on it because every person has a different definition. It is a question, like the math test in the video, seemingly intentionally designed to create conflict.

There are so many mechanisms of how our disrupted world gets so messy and weird and bad, but the fact that it’s much easier to argue about stuff when opinions are easy to form, and it’s much easier to form easy opinions when questions are wrongly stated is actually new to me!!

Always learning!

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20 thoughts on “This "Math Test" Changed How I See Humanity”

  1. 3 = 30. It has to be.
    The sequence that makes use of only the information presented is: subtract (2 x number left of = sign on proceeding line) each time.
    9×2 is 18. 90 minus 18 is 72.
    8×2 is 16. 72 minus 16 is 56.
    7×2 is 14. 56 minus 14 is 42.
    6×2 is 12. 42 minus 12 is 30.
    3 has to equal 30.

  2. as for the 8 divided by 2(2+2)=? I genuinely think it's 1. I followed PEMDAS, Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subract. 2+2=4, so it's 2 times 4, and the question ends up as 8 divided by 8=1.

  3. As an experienced teacher, I can tell you that if this came up in a test, every kid would get it correct even if they didn't answer, because the question was badly phrased so we would just comp the point.

  4. I got 12 by subtracting the asnwers from the equations. (ex. 90 – 72 = 18, 72 – 56 = 16) so when i got up to 5, 4 and 3 i did the samething and I got 12.

  5. I said 12 as well, but rather than a function I assumed they were entries in sequence, entry 9 is 90 entry 8 is 72 so every entry increases by 2 more than the previous one increased, so going backwards entry 5 is 30 entry 4 is 20 and entry 3 is 12

  6. I could argue that it is equal to 21, because 6 ÷ 2 = 3, so it follows 42 ÷ 2 = 21 😂

    But seriously, he's right. It's not about having the "right" answer, it's asking the right question. Thougj if this principle is followed, lawyers will be out of the job 😅

  7. The true answer is that it is possible to construct infinitely many rules that give the same result for 6, 7, 8, and 9, but different results for 3 and any other value: in the end the correct answer is whatever the creator of the problem had in mind.

    To me the most interesting part of the test is that it will expose the creativity and critical skills of the examined: I do not care that you succeed, as long as you fail in an intelligent way.
    In this case I would fail with 12, because that works with the data we have, for 18 to work we need the extra assumption that the next element of the sequence would have 10 on the left side, but there is no way to know that (or even if the sequence actually continues).

  8. easy. write an answer that includes all 3 possibilities. if there is no way to do this invent a new way to describe your thoughts.

    (diese ganze sache ist pure angeberei. nur menschen die von sich selbst glauben sie wären schlau beschäftigen sich so bierernst mit solchen fragen. intelligenz dreht sich nicht ums rechthaben sondern um kreativität und anpassungsfähigkeit. wenn mir jemand so stolz beweisen will wie clever er ist beweist er mir damit sofort wie durchschnittlich er ist)

  9. The correct answer is 12, if it were 18 there would be a 10 above the 9 with no equals sign and answer. Because there is no 10 you are not multiplying by the number above, and you have to be multiplying by n+1


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