This Man's Dash Cam Accidentally Just Photographed Lockheed Martin SR-72 New Hypersonic Aircraft

This man’s dash cam accidentally just photographed Lockheed Martin Sr-72 new hypersonic aircraft. Today, we take a look at this Lockheed Martin SR-72 hypersonic blackbird.

It’s incredible to think of how advanced we’ve become in the last 100 years. It took just 66 years from the Wright brothers first flight to man walking on the Moon.

This man was driving through the Hudson Valley area when his dash cam captured something strange. At the time he said that he could see something in the sky that looked like a jet black aircraft, but couldn’t really pick up on some of the finer details.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


46 thoughts on “This Man's Dash Cam Accidentally Just Photographed Lockheed Martin SR-72 New Hypersonic Aircraft”

  1. The skies above the Hudson River Valley, especially the southern portion of it, are an extremely active location for unusual craft day and night.
    Unconventional light patterns, odd sounding engines, extremely slow flying airplanes and so much more, are common occurrences around here.

    All of it is very strange, but, there is one thing about it all that I have no doubt and that is they all either come out of or go to Stewart Airforce Base.

  2. NE side of Okla City Oct, 2021.When outside, I try and watch the sky… We're dancing around a bonfire about 9:15, just after dark., When a silent equilateral triangle passed overhead close enough to be lit by our firelight. It was shiny aluminum and lit like a commercial plane. Moving about 40 or 50 mph, I got a good look at it! About 100 yards long on each side and followed by a helicopter about a half mile behind it.

  3. Why does it have to be the SR 72 why couldn’t they just be the SR 71? they fly aircraft all the time they say they’re not flying. I’ve seen a couple prototype helicopters in Iraq that if you, Google or Wikipedia, there was only two built!

  4. Blurry af. Could be a normal fighter…in fact, that looks like the profile of an F-15. From the front it looks like an F-35 or F-22. I worked on fighters as a crew chief my whole AF career. This is an NBC (Need Better Camera).

  5. I’ve known people that I’ve worked in the military all my life I’ve been a privilege to see some unique technology that is still not in the public eye. I know a lot of these black triangles are man-made.I where there being built. The definitely not aliens.

  6. 10 years ago I was out on a fishing trip and saw a silent triangle shaped jet around 500ft in the air, it had an extremely bright orange glow under it and behind it, and left no trails.
    You could hear the slip stream behind it after it flew over just like a larger aircraft.
    I lived near a airbase years ago and know for a fact it wasn't a f16 or anything made public.

  7. What would be the point of owning this type of advanced aircraft 30 years ago and never using it in the warzones since then, surely someone would of come forward and spoken about it by now

  8. So, anyone want to guess where we acquired the technology to build the SR-72? I’m not so shocked that we’ve built it, but I truly think we had some “help”, or we just stole it from downed UFOs. Either way, I don’t think this was a 100% human creation.

  9. Oh, and one more thing, if the craft that was reported to be at 80,000 feet high, if my memory serves the SR-71 held the world record at 75,000 feet. So, either they added some juice to the Blackbird, or it wasn’t us. And I know that 5,009 feet more doesn’t sound like a huge difference, but in the field of aviation I am fairly certain it is. If I am mistaken in my recollection, feel free to correct me.

  10. The USA military figured out antigravity back in the mid to late 1950s… As much as everything has progressed in our world and their still trying to say that there's nothing better than jet engines, which came right after or during World War 2… The military is also working a company that is working on a liquid that can be used to replace fossil fuels… That company has already made it… There's a few antigravity craft that the military has… I think it's the Air Force/Space Force that operate these… From what I hear, if the craft is a triangle, Doritos, shape then it's probably the USA but if it's a disc/sphere it's probably theirs!!! Whoever they might be??? Some say aliens from other planets, some say aliens from this planet yet others say it's the old German 3rd Reich that was able to escape to Antarctica and a few countries in South America… The Germans, at the end of WW2 had a few antigravity craft that worked but they also had over 200 more ufo craft when the Allies finally raided…

  11. Of course no one's going to come forth and claim it because the person that does come forth and claim it that person will want that person and that technology so it's something that you don't want advertised along with your face

  12. my brother and i are witness of these three lights up high in the sky and it was not moving but changing colors. red, blue and white. We seen the three lights during the day around the year of 95 and or 96

  13. At 0:42 you can see a distorted image of a digital Viper II Battlestar Galactica 2004 with its landing gear down , added with Adobe after effects .. Not only can you see the edit, you can see the water data mark. This is a fake.. And the Lockheed Martin SR-72 does not have this profile!

  14. We all seem to forget that the SR-71 was flying in 1964. That was almost 60 years ago! As explained it took only 66 years to go from the Wright Brother's first flight to landing on the moon.
    Amazing to see what technology has been covertly developed in all that time.


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