This Man Releases The Clearest Images Of A Female Bigfoot With A Baby On Her Back

This man releases the clearest images of a female Bigfoot with a baby on her back. This female Bigfoot was seen with a baby on her back.

In the annals of Bigfoot lore, tales of strange encounters and mysterious sightings abound, captivating the imaginations of believers and skeptics alike.

Yet amidst the countless stories of fleeting glimpses and blurry photographs, one encounter stands out as particularly compelling: the story of a man who claims to have photographed a female Bigfoot with what appeared to be a baby on its back in a remote mountain wilderness area.

The story begins with a man, whose identity remains shrouded in anonymity, embarking on a solo expedition into the rugged and untamed wilderness of the mountains.

Thank you to Mark for sending in the photo!

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


46 thoughts on “This Man Releases The Clearest Images Of A Female Bigfoot With A Baby On Her Back”

  1. Olympic National Park is NOT in Washington DC…its in the State of Washington… Washington DC is just a fake swamp full of corrupt politicians. You're more than likely safer with the Bigfoots in Olympic National Park than on the streets of dc

  2. It took me less than ten seconds to watch this video. I skipped it ahead, knowing it was a hoax. YouTube makes getting thru this junk a lot easier. We will never see a high resolution Bigfoot. Just the same old blurry rigamaroe.

  3. I’m a believer in that stuff, but I just got my hopes up recently about a thylacine that forest made a video about. It looked real. The person even did a FaceTime call talking to forest but covered his face. Then a few days later we found out it was one big hoax. I’m just saying, I don’t want to get my hopes up again lol.

  4. You said that it's easy to mistake a bear for a bigfoot because they are both bipedal, a bear is classed as partial bipedal as they usually stand on their two hind legs to look bigger and more Intimidating. I've never heard any one refer to bigfoot as being anything other than bipedal, as when seen and videoed they are on two legs walking or what could be called speed walking. Now a bear on the other hand has been filmed standing on its two hind legs, so as to sharpen it claws on a tree, they also stand to appear biger than another bear especially during mating season, they will also stand to look around them when vegetation is tall and when on all fours they cant see as much. So referring to a bear and bivfoot as bothe being bipedal is an odd statement to make, dont you think?

  5. I wonder what happens when Sasquatch gets bit by a Rattlesnake or a Brown Recluse spider? They must jump back in their floating Orbs and return to their Ship or Underwater bases

  6. I say old chap, someone is having a royal go at you, this is fake as Biden (shat) the so called baby is out of proportion to the so called mother, and why just one picture, it apears to be crossing an opening, plenty of time for 2 or 3 shots, sorry, my B.S. meter is going off !

  7. OH please, now they are all 'female' …. that Petterson hoax sure started a "Monsters on Maple Street hysteria….. so funny! Notice how ALL the photos are either right or left NONE lunging at the person taking the video or photo! Of course, not then ALL would see it is a fake mask! Same with the Patterson film! It is NOT hard to figure out, folks! ANd WHY don't any of these he-men in the woods wih theirr bigshot guns, shoot one in the foot? It won't die, just stop it so it can be captured and nurtured back to health and studied- well they don't because they say it looks, to 'human'- simply an excuse for the real reason: They cannot shoot one in the toe/foot because they are NOT REAL!

  8. If they were photographing the figure moving they were presumably following it with the camera so would build movement into the whole picture. The darkness of the forest might also have slowed "shutter speed" increasing the blur. These issues might explain your issue.

  9. If you follow along on Google Earth on these stories, some of them have the habitat, rural characteristics and appear to be unexplored( road-less) The Big Muddy River area they discuss meanders thru A VERY "Primeval " thick"(old growth)? type, vast section of Illinois called;; the Crab Orchard Wilderness and the Panther Den Wilderness. I wouldn't be surprised if Sasquatch, Dogman, and several as yet undiscovered unclassified Bird & Mammal species are living in this area.


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