This Left Me SPEECHLESS!!!

MSNBC decided to have a capitol police officer on their show on the anniversary of J6. This cop is OBVIOUSLY a Trump hater. Hes good friends with Nancy Pelosi, Loves Joe Biden and is trying to pain the J6 crowed like they were really insurrectionists. Strange insurrection, no a SINGLE firearm was discovered in the crowed….



40 thoughts on “This Left Me SPEECHLESS!!!”

  1. your logic is flawed vlad trump attempted to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next in order to seize and retain power. his phone calls asking for votes and asking electors not to certify the election is clearly election interference. trump and others also tried to insert fake electors from 7 states to replace the actual electors on jan6 in an attempt to remain illegally in office. this is conspiracy to defraud the united states of america and conspiracy to obstruct an official government proceeding. the question is not if he did those things, but the reality is he did do those things. i can just imagine how ballistic you would be if democrats attempted to do what trump did.

  2. Hi Vlad, J6 was an FBI Set up! And Nancy Pelosie and other traitors were involved. I watched an Interview With Tucker Carlson and his guest Rep. Clay Higgins, a member of the House Oversight Committee. They have evidence, that the J6 Riot at our Nations Capitol in Washington DC. Over 200 FBI Agents, out with Antifa and BLM Set a trap for Trump supporters to discredit Trump and his Supporters. And to stop Congress from reviewing the Votes Electors in Key Swing States. Also the COVID Pandemic was designed to make people use mail in ballots. The True Insurrection happened on,Nov 2020 when the Democrats orchestrated a rigged fraudulent Election to overthrow The United States And our duly Elected President Donald J Trump, and J6 was the completion of the Leftist cover up of their treasonous crimes against Americans .

  3. They must make their "competition" look bad because "their guy" is a total failure and has accomplished absolutely nothing positive in 3 years for the people of our country, except to go on more vacation days than previous presidents.
    His team has certainly helped him to this path of failure.

  4. The leftist democrats have been calling us violent MAGA extremists for the longest time. So, if those in charge of security over at our Capitol Building (nancy pelosi) knew weeks beforehand that there was going to be what was being called a peaceful demonstration on january 6th 2021 to contest the election count, and that tens of thousands of concerned patriotic Americans were going to attend the demonstration, and them believing in their heads it could turn ugly fast, why did Nancy Pelosi (who’s in charge of the Capitol Police) turn down President Trumps offer to have our National Guard troops present??? For the same reason why they gave ‘stand-down’ orders to LEO’s at the George Floyd riots? You know…the “mostly peaceful” riots…😂😂😂

  5. We are all completely over their lies. All the J6 detainees should be released immediately. It breaks my heart how they are being treated. It's just wrong and it's hard not to have hate in my heart for the people involved.
    We all know who those players are. I just broke off another friendship over J6. Anyone still supporting this administration is also sketchy to me. They can't be saved and I'm no trying. Lost souls.

  6. Any one with 2 eyes and 2 brain cells that rub together knows that the ONLY insurrection that took place in this country WAS WHEN THE DEMONRATS CHEATED THE 2020 SELECTION AND HAD A PUPPET WHO 💩 HIMSELF INSTALLED TO DESTROY AMERICA AND MAKE IT SEEM LIKE HE’S JUST OLD AND SENILE

  7. There was no insurrection. Capitol police removed barricades and allowed protesters onto Capitol grounds, and another opened an interior door of the Capitol building and invited protesters inside. It was all a coordinated setup to blame president Trump by Nancy Pelosi, Capitol police, and FBI provocateurs.

  8. J6 is all they have they cant run on any policy they don't have any. Oh by the way Haley is their Demorat pick they know Biden cant win so they want to install Haley as their new puppet

  9. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Everything foretold in the Bible is fitting like a puzzle!


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