This is why you shouldn't give up on playing Nami Support

Nami Support in League of Legends

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14 thoughts on “This is why you shouldn't give up on playing Nami Support”

  1. I’ve been playing her with shurelyias more and building her for more ultility/heal and less on the damage like I used to. Mandate I feel is when your ahead/situational item as Nami doesn’t really do as much dmg as she used to do and shurelyias just feels better. I also take gathering storm now instead of scorch to compensate for the lost AP for not going mandate.

  2. so as a nami main, i think it would be foolish to think that Nami is completely useless but I really do think that this patch, she is the worst state she’s ever been on. compared to last season when she was literally A+ to S plus and now she’s really in the D tier but respectfully, I think she’s in the C or B tier, but not higher than that now :/ i fucking hate this.

  3. she definitely still works, but I still believe the right way to play her is play like a lane bully and always look for aggresive trades in lane and create a lead early as her actual enchanter side is weaker compare to others, she is really much closer to a mage.
    nerfing her early dmg really is a terrible way of nerfing her.

  4. hey bizz, just wondering what ur opinions on lux support are. support is my fav role, and lux is my fav champion. ik a lot of people don't like her as support for various, and somewhat valid, reasons, but i more so was curious on ur opinion on her mechanically. you mentioned her low roam potential and whatnot and it kind of got me wondering what you really think about her in this role. do you think she's decent? do you hate her? think she's more gimmicky than anything? i'd love to hear ur opinion!

  5. I think about logging in and having a fun chill game of nami support then I remember the other 150 champs exist and I have to play against them and stay off this trash game. lux is not a support champ. 90% of the supports I play against aren't actual supports and it just ruins the game . ( lux is an ap hyper carry that only works in support because she can 1 shot people and poke them down do 10% hp by the second wave with 70% mana left because she's supposed to work in mid lane )

  6. I don't know if its just cuz I'm in low elo, but I've been playing Nami sup and getting constant wins, especially with a good team. I see a lot of people in the comments talking about how Nami isn't the best right now, but she feels nice to me 😛

  7. You should try Zoe Support. I'm on my road to Master with it. Its valid af ever since Riot made it so that you no longer have to last hit minions to get spells.


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