This is what it feels like to play Symmetra in Overwatch 2.

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26 thoughts on “This is what it feels like to play Symmetra in Overwatch 2.”

  1. you mention something that i actually thought about today, now we have two sources of antiheal (ana's nade and jq ult) but only one way to cleanse it, with zarya bubble (and, in some level with lamp, i guess), do you think the upcoming support hero will have some sort of cleasing ability? it would make sense right? love your content hoshi <3

  2. Yeah I feel the exact same way about Mercy, her movement feels very clunky that for the first few games I forgot that it was automatic that I thought it was just lagging everytime I tried to super jump. I died so much more just because I’d forget to cancel GA to stop myself from super jumping. Not only that but there were a few times I would try to slingshot GA but it would stifle the normal distance I looked like a deer and headlights every kill cam it was embarrassing 😭😭. I just want fluid mercy movement

  3. It’s weird the difference increasing the speed and size of Syms secondary has effected her accuracy dramatically. Players don’t walk into a orb as often now, with the lack of shields it takes time to charge beam, and so now you HAVE to rely on turret placement and tp bombing to confirm kills.

  4. I hate that they ruined symmetra and also mercy for some reason her beam switch feels a bit clunky like when you change target with your beam it feels slower for some reason and idk if that's the animation problem or if it's actually slower like……. Chile not this

  5. I believe they should rework her into becoming a healer again. I was thinking for instead of having the turrets; that ability be replaced with drones that you can deploy on teammates to give them 20hps/s similar to zenyatta orbs but they stay on the designated person for 10-15 secondes. You could also stack the three drowns on one person to be giving them 60hps/s like a tank. Or you could just be healing three people at the same time. This could give her a very diverse play style while also having other support like abilities (teleport and photon barrier). This idea of being this futuristic architect really works with the drones that keep each teammate alive.


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