"This is the worst of what humanity is capable of": Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan describes Gaza today

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Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan is a pediatric intensive care physician who just spent two weeks volunteering and living at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza.

“This is not a humanitarian crisis. This is the worst of what humanity is capable of, and it’s entirely all man-made,” says Haj-Hassan.

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47 thoughts on “"This is the worst of what humanity is capable of": Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan describes Gaza today”

  1. Everything that is happening right now is enough for American people to understand that people like Biden should never be elected and voted for. Trump is an evangical, so people should think before voting for him.. He will also never stop this war

  2. People calling Hamas monster because of the 1200 they killed including 400+ civillians but completely silence when the occupation forces are killing 100+ per day inside Gaza. What a hypocrite people.

  3. I moved very very young to London then he moved very young in USA but his English is broken, is hard for me to believe his English is the bad for a guy the study in London and USA for all his life. Something is very wrong here.

  4. What the World has been witness to these last 6 months is indeed "man made" and just how horrendously destructive "man's free will" can become when it goes unchecked.
    Just like the enabling of an "illegal" president being installed in the Ova in 2016l all to create an illusion of a "peaceful transition" enabled by the Obama/Biden Team. They should have been highly questioning the Election like many of us reasonable Voters instead of leading us down a primrose path into an incredible National mess.
    This event for us was a precursor to the horrendous carnage that we are witnessing today orchestrated by the deceptive and delusional Israeli Leadership and the AIPAC.
    These two incidents directly connected to the man at the center of both – Netanyahu. Netanyahu orchestrated the rigged Electoral Votes that "illegally" gave Trump the win. Yes, it was the 2016 Election that was the Real Stolen Election and not 2020. Thus Netanyahu got everything he wanted from Trump like moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, stopping the Iran nuclear agreement, etc., more military aid and no interference with illegal settlers.
    And it is now Netanyahu who carrying out his mission of Annihilation, Land Grabbing and Genocide against the Palestinian People.
    Look at the destructive actions of this one man because his actions have been enabled, supported, patronized and unchecked.

  5. It is very difficult to tell someone who started a war that their family has been wiped out is hard because why? Did the family cry for the babies Hamas burned alive? The old man Hamas beat to death with a shovel? The children Hamas raped then shot dead? How hard was that for you, compassionate doctor?

  6. The monsters that are running these prejudice murders in Gaza can't understand what this doctor is saying because they have done these genocides against American Indians, in Vietnam, Korea, Nagasaki and Horishima, Afghanistan and Iraq, Libya and Syria, Sudan and many other countries, created isis to fulfill their agenda, recently murdering in Russia. They believe in killings like beasts and unfortunately they are in charge and control.

  7. ❤I have a jewish friend who celebrates these evils.He said he supports Zionism and that these people are worse than animals.I cut my friendship of 45 years woth this horrible human.He isn t alone most Jews say the same

  8. Oh, please
    This is nothing for the religion of peace. 400,000 in Yemen last 5 years by Saudi’s- Sudan Congo Nigeria Syria Morocco, all happening now – but wonder why everyone only talks about the country defending its existence. I know why.

  9. Having to tell the people of Israel that 7 months into this they still cannot have their family members back, their wives and daughters are being held in terror tunnels & being sexually assaulted every day, being systematically starved, their country is being attacked with rockets launched from HOSPITALS in Gaza, the billions FRAUDULENTLY obtained for AID but then used to build hundreds of kilometers of tunnels filled with weapons, rockets, explosives & CAGES! I wonder why on earth one would need CAGES down there? RIGHT so go on then explain to the people of Israel how it is RIGHT that their people are still hostages & 7 months into this.
    FREE THE HOSTAGES & call the Israelis bluff if you think they're lying about stopping the conflict!!!

  10. It's obvious no more farce story to tell the US doesn't want the war to end not until they control Gaza and the gas oile in the coast of Gaza, the plan's they're going to displaced the Palestinian between Jordan and Egypt camps already built waiting for the US to built the port and start displacing them

  11. The Irony that it is being done by the hard right government of Israel is amazing, these are a people that have suffered unspeakable Atrocities and should know that what's happening cannot be justified. I wonder how much is being driven by the extremism of the right wing government and if everyday Jews are really supportive of it. Humans are capable of absolute horror, I never would have thought that this could happen again in full view of the world, but here we are, I'm ashamed to be Human !


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