This Is Just Ducky


5 thoughts on “This Is Just Ducky”

  1. My friend used to have a rough sawn hardwood mill mu dad dubbed it the Thuck n Thin Sawmill 😂 sometimes the lumbers Thick and sometimes it's thin, guess it depends on how many Pepsi's the sawyer drank that day! 🤣🤣🤣🤣✌️

  2. Just got back from our deep sea tuna fishing trip with the Huk crew operating out of Ocean City. Caught 10 yellow fins and 3 big eye, I fought the largest one for an hour until my arm cramped up, she ended up being 279 lbs!

  3. Glad to see you are looking like you are feeling better. Wait till you have hundreds of ducks running around pooping on everything.😂😂 I found 25 eggs one time and incubated them and 21 hatched, and somehow made it to adulthood. They are very nasty.


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