This is how we beat mages in Elden Ring

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It’s time to say goodbye to Dark Souls 3 and embrace Elden Ring I would like to thank all the Souls content creator for this experience. Prod the funny, Chasethebro the great invader, FighterPl the parry king, Saintriot the meta hater, DangitJM the underrated, SunlightBlade the top 10, Peeve Peeverson the almighty, Oroboro the darkmoon blade sellswords, YukasLegion I ban him, VaatiVidya lore fix, LimitBreaker fun facts and my favorites BathedInBrena tournament host and iamamish the role model.


22 thoughts on “This is how we beat mages in Elden Ring”

  1. Hey mate , any advice on fighting mages? Nearly all the invasions in which I'm dying are the host plus one twinkler mage behind him and I can't manage to kill them..

  2. 1:10 this right here shows why I don't really care when someone uses stuff like moonveil or the sort of night and Flame because oftentimes they spam spells and weapon Arts when they don't know how to actually fight melee or refuse to fight melee and so it's super easy to space them out until they use up all the ref pee and then just destroy the meaning if you're dying to people who are trying to cheese you like this it's because you refused to space them out and wait for them to drain their FP and you are being impatient meaning these sort of strategies of just using Op weapons or spamming spells honestly really aren't Op if you just turn your brain on

  3. They honestly looked like PVE players just trying to beat a boss until you invaded. Yeah they didn't fight well and people are laughing, but eh? They were panic rolling like PVE players. I feel bad for them. They obviously didn't know how to fight or even utilize their gear/spells. Guy was probably just trying to get past the two horse tree knights. LOL the irony….. but you said they wasted so much FP as you were empty and FP drinking a potion spamming quickstep hahahaha….. Eh? I just don't have any fun with players like that. If they don't emote and greet me before I attack? Then I see the panic stuff? I usually just leave and move on. Probably some kid or person getting off work just looking for some relaxation.

  4. I loooove the comments full of “I’m super good so my opinion is fact” PSA invading = don’t care what gets the W duels/fight clubs can pick what’s useable or not imho

  5. I think pure mages are only powerfull with teammates. On 1v1 feels like bloodhound step hardcounters any frametrap spell. But idk, i didn't play enough pvp, so i could be wrong


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