This is how Trumps wins the heart of Americans with thanksgiving message

Trump sends a presidential-like thanksgiving message to Americans


29 thoughts on “This is how Trumps wins the heart of Americans with thanksgiving message”

  1. What a hypocrite! This is the guy who regularly engages in cruel mockery of anyone and everyone he doesn't like, including disabled folks and veterans. Trump couldn't even quote his 'favorite bible verse', using the excuse that "it's too personal". What a crock of BS! He couldn't quote one because he didn't know any…….and he promotes himself as a Christian??? More like wolf in sheep's clothing. When it comes to Trump, I can tell you what MY favorite proverb is: Proverbs 22:10 says, “Throw out the mocker, and fighting goes, too. Quarrels and insults will disappear.” Proverbs 29:8 says, “Mockers can get a whole town agitated, but the wise will calm anger.”

    Trump is the polar opposite of wise.

    Trump has ZERO leadership qualities. He's nothing more than a sad and sorry overgrown childhood bully. Every one of his rally speeches are about mockery of others and talk, talk, talk about empty promises and and how well he did the things he actually didn't do. Not once have I heard him outline a plan for fixing this nation's infrastructure or any of the other serious issues we face as a nation. He just wants to blame the immigrants and the poor. Every dictator type through history has a favorite group to blame for all the problems a nation faces. Germany had Hitler….he blamed the jews. Wake up people, Trump is not who you think he is. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

    Trump is a man who has a serious self-esteem issue. He needs to speak badly about others so he can feel good about himself. If you think he really cares about this country and the good people of this nation, think again. He won't even shake hands with his supporters….afraid to get his hands dirty I suppose. He might throw you a free MAGA hat though…..or some paper towels if your town was destroyed by a hurricane.

    Trumpilini's ONLY two motivations to become president are:
    1) His desire to stay out of jail
    2) His insatiable lust for power

    As it is Thanksgiving Day…..we should be thankful that the native American Indians didn't have a Trump mentality; if they did, NONE of us would be here today. All of our ancestors would have been sent back to England and all other parts of Europe that they came from. Think about that while you enjoy your dinner.

  2. Worst president in US history
    Before Trump.
    – America was respected.
    – America was in good shape economically.
    – America was considered strong, reliable, trustable.
    – we had our issues but we attempted to work together to solve them, usually.

    After Trump
    – America is disgraced
    – America is in financial ruins
    – America is considered untrustable, unreliable, very very weak. massive holes defensively.
    – America stands divided which plays right into what our enemies most desire.

    And you actually want this traitor back in the white house?
    What in the fk is wrong with you?

  3. This is why you cannot allow the thugs and tyrants win and keep him from running for president! Overwhelm the polls so no amount of democrat cheating can steal another election!

  4. Thank You Mr President! Your tenacious tribulation is fuel for my own legal tribulations. Down with biased judges. Down with Star Chambers. God bless the Teflon Don. God Bless the Orange Lion!
    May Smith, James and that Fulton Bimbo go to hell!

    Biden flew two rainbow flags on either side of old glory from the White House. Our House!

    When we put you back, working for us, please fly the gadson flag and the green mountaineer flag on either side of old glory. But keep the Queen elevated over the other two. Tell the world we’re back and we’re pissed.

  5. I remember Nixon. I first voted for Regan. I remember the gas lines under Carter. I bought a bunch of second amendment hardware under the greatest salesman of the AR15 ever, Obama. Clinton was a grifter and coaster more interested in vacation rentals on Epstein Island. The Bushes made us earn our ROTC scholarships!!! Biden wants to forgive pansy scholarships for worthless degrees. Biden has slaughtered the American dream while cashing the check of influence. You Sir did more for us than any President in my memory. And Mr President, Sir, now we need you back more than ever.


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