This Is Crazy

This is the greatest streaming deal of All Time


26 thoughts on “This Is Crazy”

  1. Imagine hiring a clown that does nothing besides spew out L takes and watches full movies or recapped movies on stream and calls it entertainment or content 😂😂🤦🏾🤡.

    No wonder his " fan " base consists of 12 year old brainwashed and delusional toxic racist kids.

  2. It's wild that just a few years ago, we thought twitch was completely untouchable. Even if another company tried, there were just too many people on twitch. Now, we're actively watching the crumbling

  3. Amazon owns Twitch… I don't think it's going anywhere, Amazon can lose hundreds of millions from it and will still load up it's allowance card each week to keep it afloat!

  4. Man all my childhood my parents told me sitting in my room talking crap to the Internet and gaming was never going to get me ahead in life I was sold a lie apparently 😂

  5. Kick is gambling very hard, I honestly think it's gonna be a repeat of when ninja came up on all that money just for a site like kick to go immediately bankrupt.

  6. I just calculated, every day he would gain $136986.30137 for 2 years. Bruh.. wtfuck mate.. thats like buying a house in Singapore a day back in 1995.. holy fuck mate.


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