This HUGE Storm Needs To Be Watched… WOTG Weather Channel

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More heavy rain & snow for the West through this weekend. Another storm will unleash heavy snow, flooding rain & severe weather next week across the country.

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30 thoughts on “This HUGE Storm Needs To Be Watched… WOTG Weather Channel”

  1. The one thing I see in these forecast's, is that these storms tend to peter out once it get's close to Ohio, then vamp back up as soon as it get's near the East Cost. No I am not trying to disagree or call you anything. Just stating what I have seen so far.

  2. WOTG, you are the first weather forecaster I have watched that emphasizes the convergence and phasing of jetstreams impact on low pressure formation into closed off occluded storms and the severe weather implications of these events. I just learned something very important from you and will be paying much closer attention to jetstream patterns with an enhanced perspective from now on. Thank You !

  3. Over my long life, it always seemed that we had seasonally better weather in the east when California was having rain and landslides. I wonder if there is a website that has historical weather patterns displayed graphically on maps?

  4. You yanks do know that this is geoengineering at work here don’t you,I mean it’s “coincidence “ that Cali is getting all that rain to fill those reservoirs so you dicks can use it all by the start of summer? Yeah Americans…the brain dead stupids who are the centre of the universe.

  5. Thy Lord thy God Our Creator Jesus Christ has spoken, January 23rd 2023 through January 28th 2023 There's going to be a Great shaken all across the world and also the Heaven will be shaken. I'm Joses The Lord specks to me and walks with me, I'm from Conover N.C USA.
    I'm sharing with you what Jesus has spoken Word by Word. Tell your family members, friends and neighbors. Take heed to this ,it will happen. It's urgent!!
    I Am The True Lord thy God. Write these things down in your hearts. There's going to be a Great shaken all across the world. Take heed and listen to whom I called to speak to you. It is I the Lord thy God that speaketh to you by My servant friend listen carefully to these Words that I have Said. Be prepared of these things and return unto Me. The Lord is high and at hand. These Words I have spoken is True and Faithful of these things that I will bring upon the world.
    Hear Me now and turn back to Me for I have seen what you have done in the dark. Hear Me now children of disobedience worshiping other gods. I Am Jesus your God and Savior.. Hear Me now and turn from your evilness and repent bearing forth fruits of repentance.
    Believe on Me The God of the Heavens and Earth and the Waters above the Heavens and all the fullness their in. Turn unto Me and live. I Am The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.. . Fear Me now and live. I will come upon the Earth with Great disaster and floods like we're never seen since the days of Noah.
    Earthquakes in various places, Lightning and Hail like not seen since the beginning of time of Creation. You believe in Earth you ought to believe also in Heaven for the Heaven will be shaken. Take heed to the Words I have written.. The Time is at hand. Repent and Believe on your Creator and Savior Jesus Christ. For this could be your last time to repent and believe on your Savior and live with me eternity.
    Take heed to these Words and in the advice that I Jesus your God have spoken and will not reframe from it.
    This will occur on January 23rd 2023 through January 28th 2023.
    Your True God has spoken and My Word will go forth speedly to establish where I have sent it.
    Joses has written My Word moved by The Holy Ghost to get you prepared before it comes upon you as a thief in the night of Great mighty terrors on the face of the Earth.
    It now has been spoken and will not come back to Me your God void or empty.

  6. Buried in the Lake Tahoe basin, as you had in your forecast. Friday had more convective snow showers behind the front than any of the models showed, so while there was general agreement (Friday snowfall) of 1-8” we ended up waking up to 5-17”. Today is the big dump, will measured in feet as opposed to inches. Enjoying your channel, kudos as you cover a HUGE territory! I will keep ya posted on we measure tomorrow from today’s precip.


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