This Game Deserves One Last Chance…

Season 3 Start – March 29th —-)




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► PC Specs
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900K
GPU: GeForce RTX 4090
RAM: 64GB 5600 MHz
Monitor: ASUS VG27A, 2560×1440, 165hz, 27″
Mouse: Razer Viper
Keyboard: HyperX Alloy Origins
Headphones: HyperX Cloud II
Case: Fractal Torrent


00:00 – Intro
00:28 – What is coming in Season 3?
02:14 – Twitch Drops
02:25 – Gameplay


49 thoughts on “This Game Deserves One Last Chance…”

  1. reason why I stopped playing it, was exactly that higher gear wiping out lower gears. Of course skill matters and u can nade a higher gear or land the headhshots, but its soo frustrating and annoying. Hunt Showdown <3 and btw, Dark and Darker is much more fun, hope it comes back soon )

  2. I played it on S1 like for 50h or something, it wasn't bad, but it seemed bit too grindy… I wonder if they changed that economy aspect, because it felt odd, i spend all the time grinding for better gear and very little time enjoying it…

  3. i really want to like this game … everything about it just seems perfect for me but when i played it in season 1 the gunplay and movement and like actual gameplay felt awful which bothers me a lot cuz again on paper this is the perfect game for me

  4. Solos are gonna play against solos (most of the time) but will gear/kd be taken into account? Or on 3rd day of wipe I'm gonna play in green against red armor?

  5. I played it when it first came out on epic on alpha like what feels like 5 years ago or something. Was rough around the edges but I liked it. Haven't touched it since though

  6. yeah it really doesnt… this is one of the worst games I've played. anyway ghope you got paid to make this otherwise im sorry for you. have a good one

  7. Game looks pretty good. I like tarkov too but the long raids, load times and godly players and cheaters makes it hard for a casual player. And I know – it isn't really designed for people like me and that's fine, still enjoy the game because of the atmosphere. Hunt is the action packed quick version of tarkov and this game seems to sit somewhere in the middle!

  8. played in season 1. quitted for both cheaters and bad weapon balancing. unlike Hunt/BF/Apex, the weapons in this game have so much differences according to the prize. expensive weapons just make cheap weapons look like garbage, which makes this game less fun. The weapon system makes it extremely focused on economy and farming. whoever brings more expensive weapons and gears in 1v1 will win. This weapon system makes your skill so less important than the weapon itself. As a PVP game, this is frustrating.

  9. Hi Rachta, what settings do you use in the game? I'm running a mix of high/medium myself. I'm looking to upgrade to 1440p, I see you use ASUS TUF Gaming VG27AQ monitor, do you like it? I see a lot of people mentioning bloom or back light bleeding. I assume you have it for a while already, what would you buy nowadays if you got to buy a <600 euro monitor?

  10. when im playing hunt showdown the server says im on 80ms but every game i go into will get stuck at 230ms, anyone knows how to fix it? (ive tried reinstalling and reseting my router, drivers are all checked also)

  11. 7:34 A situation like that highlights exactly why I dislike this game. The Cycle is balanced in a way that makes Gear incredibly important. Having the best equipment is an extremely large advantage and as a result having bad gear is a big disadvantage. This approach means that, unless you play and grind a lot, you will just lose matches because you don't have the good stuff.

    This is what I love so much about Hunt. Better gear is cool, but you can win pretty much any engagement with the most standard equipment. A headshot from a Winfield means the enemy is dead. In The Cycle not even a headshot from a SNIPER RIFLE is a guaranteed kill.

  12. Last time I tried this game they added Purple gear to the Cash Shop so people could just Spend Money for an Advantage.. On top of losing almost all the gear you get at the start to people Camping the Spawns, killing you while your Locked in the Animation for leaving the pod, Completely Unable to Fight Back.. I quit quick when I couldn't even play like 80% of the matches I joined and then was out geared in almost every match I actually made it out of the pod..
    It was a constant reminder of why the first Cycle failed, they never balanced anything in a game where Gear makes such a Huge Difference.. And now there won't be anymore wipes? Sounds like it's gonna be like throwing 2 Stars in Hunt into 6 Star Lobbies.. Except 2 Stars still have a chance to 1 hit a 6 Star unlike White gear vs Red in the Cycle where you can Mag Dump on someone & still do like nothing to them before they just 1 tap you.
    But at least it only took like a year to add Free Loadouts, that's a big step up from the 1 free gun a day you use to get.

  13. The damage has been done, even if you get your loadout back after dying to a cheater. Thats a huge cop out in my opinion. I dont feel like dying to cheaters over and over again even if my loadout is returned. If i enjoyed staring at the menu over and over again id just afk. I get the idea, but sadly i dont see this game having a thriving future. Love the effort to keep it alive, will be trying it out again to give it another fair shake. Hopefully ill run into you :). Much love <3

  14. My main gripe appart from the gun design is that it's all so gear focused. Both in hunt and tarkov you can pick up a really cheap gun like a double barrel or a makarov and drop someone with much better gear than you if you position yourself right and aim well, one shot is all that it takes usually. Meanwhile here it just feels arbitrary, oh you got the white gun but your opponent got purple armor, tought luck. But then again it's like one of two extraction shooters on the market that actually works so what do I know.

  15. "iam done, the cheater situation is out of control…"
    "we worked on anti-cheat and fixed the situation!"
    "oh really? sounds good"
    "you ALSO get a compensation if killed by cheaters"
    "wait, i thought you fixed the situation?"
    nervously sweating

  16. i was loving it when it came out, just hated getting killed by better gear and double teams as a solo. also the resets are annoying forcing you to grind all the quests again

  17. It's dead. Completely. 3k players on at almost any given time. I'm happy about it. The game fell off when they nerfed every single white, green, and even some BLUE rarity weapons into the ground and gave those people using them zero fighting chance against the grindy sweatlords that ruled the game. It was literally such a grind to even have the funds/quests done to be able to regularly use GREEN rarity gear, and then they nerfed it all into peashooters. White rarity gear, some of it, used to even be pretty alright. You could definitely snowball against someone using blue rarity stuff if they were solo.

  18. I am not huge on the art style. I don't like these over-the-top colourful shooters like Overwatch, Fortnite, etc. and Cycle seems to have the same style – especially judging by the skins.
    plus this game seems to heavily depend on gear, which is just ass imo. if I can't kill an opponent even though I have better aim and positioning, just because I run starter gear and they run legendary shit I find that really stupid – obviously I am exaggerating and don't know how exactly it is in Cycle, but seeing how you got one-tapped by a legendary gun (at least the way you talked about it seemed to suggest it was because of it being legendary) is a huge turn-off for me.

    maybe I'll try it anyways, since it is free to play and I like the general idea of the game, but I am not super sold on it just yet.

  19. Until they fix balance with the ridiculously bad weapon rarity system I REFUSE to touch this game again. Its super frustrating as a new player going up against people with high level gear. There is literally nothing you can do against them. Hell you showcased a bit of it in your video. A dude one tapping you. Myself and my friends had a good time until the 3rd match in when we were matching with people who have end game gear when we had beginner stuff. We died immediately. They need to lock the matchmaking so that people are only matched with people who at most a rarity or maybe 2 above their gear. maybe that could help. I also find it funny that the devs refused to make lobbies for 1v1/2v2/3v3 separate until their player base dropped. and its only for the first map. There so many things wrong with this game that it kills the enjoyment. I only see this game dying until they rework a lot.

  20. if they would adjust the color pallet of this game, id play it. It looks fun!
    But I can not stand the overwatch/valorant/apex legends level of glow/bloom and neon tints.
    Im so tired of neon edged/highlighted high-tech stuff… literally every 3rd game title is based on this pallet.

    On top of that, the title of the game is rather non-descript.
    'The cycle' could easily refer to the transition of seasons, nature in it's decay and growth, menstruation, doing the laundry, esoteric hippie ramblings, etc.

    They chose this title, and by chosing this title the game will have to fight 10x as hard to become memorable.
    Because the phrase 'the cycle' is synonymous with so many different aspects, that it fails to cut out a memorable corner, such as titles like:

    Animal Crossing

    just to name a few. And all of these title names have something in common. The title directly links to the game, mentally.
    Ask anyone what they think of first by mentioning these names, and they will 99% of the time, refer to the game.

    If you would ask me what thoughts arise with the phrase : The Cycle: Frontier

    Battle/survival, because frontier, and laundry, because the cycle aka washing cycle. because that is the most common association with that word in a normal household.
    delving a little deeper, my mind goes to the following summary that i tie to the phrase 'The Cycle' :
    changing seasons, nature, menstruation, riding a bike, hippies rambling about their weird beliefs, efficiency modules, re-cycling.
    None, are even remotely tied to the concept of the game.
    A mis-matched title, at best. 50% accurate.
    And we all know how much a name means for the succes of a product.

  21. My personal grip with the cycle is they were an epic games buy out which killed their original game of the cycle, it was much more competitive and more mechanics to how you interact with the animals and loot to gain money to get better gear, same with skill suit progression upgrades depending what you had.


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