This Death Knight Card Is Gonna Break Hearthstone…

Rarran goes through all of the new death knight cards released in march of the lich king, and decides the 10 best cards from it!

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#Hearthstone #Rarran #HS


27 thoughts on “This Death Knight Card Is Gonna Break Hearthstone…”

  1. If you give Mograine lifesteal, his damage should heal you like Baron Geddon + Lich Jaina (i hope i spelled names correctly cause i don't play with english text)

    But if mr Mo dies, will the lifesteal still work giving you infinite sustain?

    Also, is there a way to give mr Mo lifesteal?

  2. Frostwyrm's Fury seems almost like a better UI just without the card draw. But in theory it gives infinitely more armor than what UI gave, depending on how much damage your opponent has on board. I feel like this card will be completely nuts if triple frost is playable.

  3. Vampiric blood is hilarious, because already as a 2 of its great, but with thinking about wild cards in mind, I can already hear vargoth say BEHOLD and just slap 20 health onto your opponent

  4. Rarran. Did you just say 1 mana 1/2 deal 2 damage isn't going to see play? That card is busted. What? That's absolutely insane. It trades up to a 2 drop and still gives you a body. It wins you the early board all on it's own. If you're playing Blood you don't care about the 2 damage to your face. That card is insane bro.

  5. Every new class has to compete against YEARS of cards the other classes get.
    How they managed to include DH into meta? They threw some insane cards (that were nerfed in few days) because the portfolio of new class is just weak. So they give them few OP cards to "balance" this disadvantage. Holy crap, what is this new Patchwerk? With Brann its 6 cards destroyed … easiest nerf to 8 mana ever. A could go on … damn this is crazy.
    (Im just at 1:20 of the video, but even here, the cards are insane … 1 mana 1/3 + corpse? wtf)

  6. Especially the 3-rune cards definitely look like total design mistakes to me, considering all the other cards aren't any worse than what other classes have. Going "Oh you can only play this absolutely disgusting piece of power creep in a deck with 3 blood runes that is already going to be a good control deck by any class's standards" does not seem like it'll bode well for balance.

  7. I can't wait to see the meme Blood deathknight "I got how much health in this game" "200 health on the new hero?? Blizzard?? how is this okay??" with vargoth and that one card that makes end of turn effects go off 2 times you can get to 100 health easily not including any of the other things you could do with it in wild this was just the first idea off the top of my head. Also not sure how discovering works but if you can only discover spells you have the runes for then School teacher has a 3/5 chance to offer vampiric blood.

  8. At some point they need to get sire out of the game. I really hope patchwerk goes to 10mana and gets unplayable and theotar should be defendable. That lifesteal infect board should just go to 1dmg and the gain 10 shouldn't draw at all… Did I mention Guff already? No? delete it


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