This Combo Is BROKEN! – The Sc2 Perpetual Randomizer Mod – 02

0:00 – Intro
1:27 – Mission

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50 thoughts on “This Combo Is BROKEN! – The Sc2 Perpetual Randomizer Mod – 02”

  1. I think Outback Hunter is the play here. Mitoscarab probably sucks and vanilla reaper is boring and somewhat redundant to the Ursadon. Hellion isn't always useful in the campaign as a whole but it's the best unit of the three.

  2. I vote Mitoscarab. The outback hunter is nice, and it can Kite a fight, but the fact that a Mitoscarab can survive dying and even keep fighting is what makes me vote for it. oh yeah, and the reaper's here, too.

  3. grant, just so you know you can (reroll research) just like that without parentheses and it will reroll toss and zerg research, I recomend doing this, a few times, cause there's some really neat upgrades that you could just straight up miss, like primal infusion, the flavor text says it's the raiders injecting themselves with zerg dna, and they gain up to 3 random buffs, every 5 kills(I think) also using the reroll on armory units will reroll the upgrades but if you've bought it it stays bought but still is rerolled so make sure you buy cheap upgrades, I recommend using Itsgamblingtime just like that, for infinite rerolls to see what you could get, but I understand if you don't want to, but I believe you get 3 reroll's every mission cause I'd have to reapply the infinireroll command after comming back to the hyperion, so if you wanna you can reroll all your armery stuff each mission, and that would be cool.

  4. I think for the reaper you have to have a cliff jumper or flyer to prevent them getting stuck. I would suggest getting that scarab. Again bad AA but you got one hell of a ground force.

  5. I wuld love it, if we culd get too choce too randomzise your units in the armory also, like we choose 3 units/buildings we want to randomzie, and then from those 3 u wuld have too choose one too click randomzie on, so that we get too see many diffrent kinda units, trough the entire campaign

  6. Also the modmaker is working HARD on bugfixing so please get the latest version often. There are some very annoying bugs like upgrades getting mixed up that got patched recently, like an hour ago, so think about updating often

  7. I mean we have to know what the mitoscarab does right?

    Shame no anti air capable units on the docket to fill in for our weaknesses. I look forward to more corpser roach though

  8. I think for even more randomness, after every mission you should randomize one of the units you already have, chosen at random. that way you won't always be able to default to a composition that worked before

  9. We are taking that monolyth weird something right? I don't even remember all these units It's been so long, and I played SC2 probably 1/10th of what I played SC1, so, crossing fingers here, i want more weird stuff.


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