This 1st Round Pick Just Completely RUINED His Career (Unreal)

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42 thoughts on “This 1st Round Pick Just Completely RUINED His Career (Unreal)”

  1. Maybe it’s just me but if I get stopped by the cops for a suspended license but then they let me go without incident I’m takin my ass home the rest of the night and not bothering anyone but I guess that’s just me since I have a working functioning brain

  2. I'll say it cause I'm black and I know some people are scared to say it but my kind (niggas) do not take full advantage of the opportunities that are given to us. Look at all the videos that Matt do about ish like this 95% of them are black folk. Hell brittany griner to. Haven't seen a white NFL or NBA player lose out on their opportunities by failing hella drug test, drug charges & hitting on these 304's. We are always in the lime light for all the wrong reasons. My guys need to tighten up. I know Matt see the pattern he just doesnt want to say it cause he feel he will cross a boundary. I'll say it for you broskie ✊🏿

  3. Matt you need to understand these talented guys come from hostile hood environments, they have mental issues so its hard for some of them to stay out of trouble, so it's ez if you grew up with 2 parents and suburban household.

  4. Also do you think they don't deal with pressure of having to play amazing game in game out , the moment you get hurt or mess up your career can end, that can be a big mental stress and pain.

  5. So…..why? Some say the money these youth get is "deserved." Maybe so. But to farm thousands of fatherless boys, immature boys, uneducated boys through NIL, Transfer Portal starting in HIGH SCHOOL is a prescription for ACCENTUATING whatever character is inherent in the immature athlete to begin with. Money will ALWAYS make one MORE of whatever they already are. Perhaps letting them temper their maturity a bit before showering them with cars, money drugs and girls…and, 'gasp', perhaps ……an EDUCATION?

  6. Your videos have negative titles about an athlete EVERY DAY. And quit saying “I haven’t even watched this clip yet someone sent it to my DM so I don’t know what is at all”. You are a terrible liar which makes it all the more pitiful that you do it so often.

  7. Yo I watch some of your videos these jawns be wild outta pocket epically wen you bashing these black brothers it’s clear these guys are goin thru a lot of truma an mental
    Health issues I have seen you made video about my folks on here and your completely wrong! It’s clear you don’t understand a black man’s plight you should stop bashing these brothers off the mistakes they made or make nobody’s perfect but I know one thing you capitalize off these guys shortcoming without even understanding them this is wack it’s borderline racist! Shit sad man

  8. just a sad state of mind for this young man, and nobody to point blame to but his self, he is a living testimony, hopefully he will turn it around to share it with other young men going down the wrong road

  9. If you got first round money you should be able to hire a driver.. Demarcus Cousins grew up with my son and the day he signed an NBA contract he stopped driving. Too much a target for frivolous law suits..


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