Think the Bible Isn’t Scientific? This Video Will Change Your Mind!

Since the Bible is God’s Word, it’s no wonder that it’s filled to the brim with fascinating scientific facts that humans often discovered hundreds, if not thousands, of years later. These 20 scientific facts from the Bible will amaze you!

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40 thoughts on “Think the Bible Isn’t Scientific? This Video Will Change Your Mind!”

  1. 6:56 It doesn't presuppose a revolving earth it just presupposes a round earth and day and night revolving, whether it's earth or sun that does the rotation.

    There are other indications that it's the Sun that moves each day, like Psalm 103 (I think you number it 104) and even clearer Joshua 10:12.

    If earth is what usually rotates, then it was the only time in the Bible that a miracle worker was wrong about the miracle he was working.

    Plus Habacuc refers back to it as Sun and Moon standing still in their orbits or in their habitations and not phenomenologically as seen from earth.

  2. 11:02 Neither oral tradition, nor manuscript tradition work like the telephone game.

    Part of the game is, you only hear the message exactly once ("listen very carefully, I vill say zis only vunce" in 'Allo 'Allo!) and then you have to reproduce it very quickly without having the time to reason about what you could have misunderstood.

    That's a good spoof on what happens when you spread rumours too quickly before doublechecking, but it has no bearing on tradition, where only those who have shown themselves qualified to transmit it accurately are chosen to carry on the tradition, be it as scribes or be it as story-tellers, which there could have been between Adam and Abraham.

  3. 14:24 All these things have I considered in my heart, that I might carefully understand them: there are just men and wise men, and their works are in the hand of God: and yet man knoweth not whether he be worthy of love, or hatred:

    [Ecclesiastes 9:1]

  4. 17:19 Death in the Bible is, most usually, the wages of sin.

    And the wages of sin is, without exception, death.

    But Christ and Mary both died, without having any sin, either committed by themselves or inherited from the first human sinner who was Adam.

    For Christ, one can say, He paid for others' sins, for Mary it is simply She wanted to die because Her Son had died – and it was granted.

  5. 2nd law of entropy when googled states the second law of thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe as an isolated system will always increase over time. The 2nd law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative? I’m confused. You said in time it’s more disordered? Is that the same thing?

  6. I just ordered a bunch of tracts and other items from you and I forgot to get that science facts book from you. I'll have to put it in my cart for next time. I'm wondering if you had in that book where God is talking to the children of Israel through Moses where he said in Deuteronomy 8:4 – “Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.” A medical doctor once asked theologian J Vernon McGee if he knew what that meant and Pastor McGee said no. The doctor explained that it was from a disease that occurs when people eat the same thing year after year as the Israelites did with the manna, it causes certain vitamin deficiencies that can result in beriberi, which makes your feet swell and that obviously meant that whatever the manna was made of, it was perfectly balanced, nutritionally. PS. The accuracy of the Bible can also be scientifically verified by manuscript evidence.

  7. Non believers want proof but once
    You show them most
    Of them either ignore it just to win a conversation or they don’t want to
    Face the truth anyways amen Jesus is our lord and savior even if you don’t think just know he’s always watching and protecting and fighting your battles 🙏❤️ amen and I could already see non believers flooding my one comment Jesus is already warning me as well as them having a meltdown and my phone having a nervous mental break down from all my YouTube notifications

  8. I don't doubt your sincerity Ray but lots of your 'facts' aren't facts. You are making the Scriptures fit with the lies of scientism not science. You end up deceiving (although not intentionally) unbelievers. As the Apostle Paul said, "but each man must be careful how he builds on the foundation which is Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:10)

  9. Given that the bible makes thousands of metaphorical statements, the odds that some of them happen to vaguely correlate with modern science, if interpreted in a particular way, is actually quite high and therefore doesn't indicate that they are divinely inspired. Similarly, many such pre-scientific statements, that supposedly show understanding well beyond the time period can be pointed to in the Islamic texts. Given that the two sets of texts are mutually exclusive (they both can't be true), it shows that the identification of these types of pre-scientific statements doesn't distinguish between divine and non-divinely inspired texts and therefore is not a reliable argument for the godliness of the text.

  10. Wow… how stupid are you? I can make a prediction that I'm going to die in the near future. So when I die, did my prophecy come true? I must be a prophet!!!!

    Also making random arbitrary predictions does not make the bible "Scientific Evidence", that's not how Science works. As Chris Brown / @TeddySw said in his comment: "Given that the bible makes thousands of metaphorical statements, the odds that some of them happen to vaguely correlate with modern science, if interpreted in a particular way, is actually quite high and therefore doesn't indicate that they are divinely inspired. Similarly, many such pre-scientific statements, that supposedly show understanding well beyond the time period can be pointed to in the Islamic texts. Given that the two sets of texts are mutually exclusive (they both can't be true), it shows that the identification of these types of pre-scientific statements doesn't distinguish between divine and non-divinely inspired texts and therefore is not a reliable argument for the godliness of the text."

  11. Hebrews 11 is talking about god being the invisible unseen thing that made everything, if you had read the verse you would know that ray. I don't mean to seem rude but your very first evidence is a lie. Do you think atheists are morons? Do you think they won't know you are lying to them? And you mislead christians with this too. Do better please


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