Things Just Got REALLY Awkward for Uncle Si and the Boys | Duck Call Room #191

Si and the boys tackle their most uncomfortable question yet (on the off chance it’s not from a troll): Are first cousins off-limits in the dating pool? But first, Si and Martin miss the days when they could pee like the Martin twins do. Godwin faces temptation from a hidden stash of cookies. John-David urges Si to become the next Joe Exotic. Si relives his β€œsleep apathy” test. The boys debate the merits of banana bread and zucchini bread. Plus, if you had a death wish, how would you describe your wife’s legs?

Duck Call Room episode 191 is sponsored by: β€” Get up to $200 off all mattress orders AND 2 free pillows!

About Duck Call Room:

The guys who kept America laughing for 11 seasons while cranking out duck calls are back in the heart of Duck Commander to share hilarious stories, tall tales, hunting adventures, pop culture commentary, and all the antics and escapades you know and love. Join Si Robertson, Justin Martin, John-David Owen, John Godwin, Jay Stone, and Phillip McMillan where it all began β€” in the Duck Call Room.

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28 thoughts on “Things Just Got REALLY Awkward for Uncle Si and the Boys | Duck Call Room #191”

  1. Godwin your the man. I’ve been told by my doctor i need to lose 30-35 lbs. It hasn’t been easy. I was in the habit of eating junk. You are an inspiration. I’m not diabetic but I still need to lose weight and get healthier. Stay strong Godwin and keep inspiring people.

  2. My son was feed by a tube for 8 years. Because of his many medical problems, the doctors said he was too full of medicine to get hungry. But as he got older, the doctors told me to make him a small plate and sit him at the table with the rest of us. They said just let him play and make a mess. Eventually he will start eating it. And he did. Even though he didn't eat much, the doctors took the tube away to see if he would eat more. After about 6 months, one doctor told me, "He hasn't gained weight, but he hasn't lost weight either." so they continued to let him eat on his own. and he started gaining weight. Just last month at the Doctor's Office, the doctor put my son on a diet because he gained too much weight between visits (3 months a part).

  3. Let me tell ya a little about Harrison, AR. My mom is from there & i go up there several times a year to go fishing with my uncle & every time i leave he tries to get me to move up there. Dont get me wrong its a beautiful place in the ozark mountains but every time i tell him that there is no way i could live there because there are no good looking women there!!! & i mean none!

  4. Luke 12:51
    Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

    Matt 10:34
    Do not think that I came to bring peace to the earth; I came not to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set at variance

    β€˜A man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and the enemies of the man are his own household.’

    What is the sword my mystery friend?

    The sword is the word of God which is God! Glory to God Alone!

    Because in the beginning of time was the word…the word was with God…the Word? Was God!

    It is sharper than ANY two edged sword.

    It gunna cut through yer soul and spirit…yer joints n marrow…

    Let it break yah my mystery friend…who yah know yah supposed to be a sheep. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Let it happen.

    Reading God's word will open your eyes to what NO ONE can share or teach you.

    You know the truth! You know it.

    God gunna lift you up cause yer my mystery friend. I know it.

    I been broken like you have no idea my friend. I lived in Vegas for 7 years. Sin City? Yup. It I'd. But nuttin really.

    I done it all…I ain't no better than no body else. Certainly have not 'arrived', ok? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    Don't need money or fame. Nope. No joke. Don't care…I had it.

    And all the BEST of my life I count as red and green demon dung in comparison to knowing Jesus Christ.

    This ain't no sermon…cause truth and reality only that matters.

    And…all that matters?

    Will Jesus know yah when yer tent expires?

    If you know he will know you? Yer good for eternity. This life? Just a blink in relation to eternity.

    Keep tight with a yer Maker!…to the word of God which is Jesus Our one n only Savior.

  5. I won't judge the couple from Arkansas, but I will judge what they're fixing to do. It's wrong, both Biblically and legally. Leviticus is very clear on the Bible end of things. And legally, there's no state in the union that allows the marriage of people that closely related. There are a few that will allow for 2nd cousins, and even then, one of them has to be sterilized or otherwise incapable of generating children.


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