Things I Wish I Knew Before Having A Baby

Things I Wish I Knew Before Having A Baby

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23 thoughts on “Things I Wish I Knew Before Having A Baby”

  1. Smelling is actually due to breastfeeding! I read that you actually stink more because it helps your baby find your boob properly! They follow their nose 😂

  2. I agree with the marriage part. Our foundation of friendship and working as a team really blossomed after becoming parents. Even through colic and a high needs baby, it is what has carried us. If you do the work beforehand, it will pay off! Get counseling, talk to good married friends, friends who have been married longer, etc.

  3. 100 percent agree with all of this.
    1. I put a bunch of pressure on myself to breastfeed, medical professionals really push this, but just do what you can. I do formula and breastmilk because I don't make enough, but baby is fed! Also the process is awful when you start, nobody tells you you only make a few milliliters in the beginning! Cabbage leaves, heatpacks help with engorgement and cold compresses after feeds. Also laying over baby on all 4s with clogged ducts!
    2. Nobody talks about sleeping baby grunts lol so loud!
    3. Yes, tell people what you need them to do
    4. Buy easy snacks for yourself, and have a large water tumbler!
    5. Don't be so stressed about nap windowsbaby will tell you when they're tired, but log feedings if you can in case they get sick!
    6. Baby carriers help you get stuff done!
    7. You can only help your baby if you help yourself, focus on your overall health

    You got this!
    And ya, I feel like the smell thing is real lol!

  4. Thank you for sharing❤️ choking is one of my biggest fears especially with starting solids! I took a cpr / choking class for infants but I am still so anxious about it all! How did you handle those anxieties?

  5. The first time I caught the co Vid. I lost my taste and smell but it came back, only to have my smell and taste change about a month later. Most stuff smelled and tasted different, like realllllly bad. Most of my taste and smell is back to normal but it took about 2 years for that to happen. The smell of onions cooking was one of the worst smells.

  6. Yes First Aid and CPR and Choking prevention training are a Must!!!….I seen this one thing where it's called the human vac lol but I'm thinking of buying one of those for baby's and child size and adult size and keep those in my home to just help if someone or myself ever chokes! Maybe that's something everyone should have 😁👍❤️

  7. ❤ I Love you guys so much 🥰❤️ I'm just so happy and proud of you both for being such an amazing couple together and amazing parents ❤️ And I will pray for you both and baby 🍼❤ for Health and Prosperity and that Jesus will just watch over you all and bless you all Always 💛✝️🌿

  8. I don't know why breakfast was difficult for you. For us dinners was the worst. Thank God for my friend❤ she brought us chicken soup for 4 days which was soooo amazing and helpful 😊 I couldn't say thank you enough for that.

  9. I don’t think you smell haha 😂 I got Covid too and for about a year after my sense of smell was so out of wack- my pee and sweat smelt weird as well as water and some foods, especially meat. It’s called parosmia but good news, it eventually goes away 😝

  10. thank you so much for making this video jess! even though I am not married or have a baby but it is just helpful to know so when the time comes I won’t be as surprised or nervous.

  11. I am getting emotional watching this video as you are making me feel not alone. I am currently a Stay At Home Mom and going to school full-time.
    My son will be 4 months on Wednesday (29th). Breastfeeding is hard and it does get easier!
    The part about how hard it is to eat breakfast… I could go on. but yes! I struggle. My husband makes breakfast for me most days but I usually have to hurry to eat or I will not get to it.
    I also think I smell different! I read that it is expected because of hormone changes. lol
    My son slept so well during month 3. I knew about the 4-month sleep regression and always was grateful every night during month 3 when he slept SO WELL. I was getting the sleep I needed to function.
    I am currently in the 4-month sleep regression and he started teething so I have a double whammy….it is hard. so hard. I keep reminding myself it is temporary and how much I love him even when I feel like I cannot do anymore. I totally agree it feels like I can't catch a break. lol
    A sleep routine helps tremendously! even though he is in a sleep regression he does still go to bed around the same time just doesn't stay asleep as long obviously. Day naps are the worst right now, he skips some and takes a lot of really short naps so he gets fussier earlier. oh, man.
    I am sorry this comment is so long as I am home all day every day and my mental health recently has taken a toll with the lack of sleep. Stay safe!

  12. I honestly love all of your content, you’re like the big sister that I never got. By you sharing your life, getting married, faith life, and now motherhood, you make it a lot less scary for those of us trying to figure out life together with you ❤️

  13. I had the same view of cradle cap as jess with my first two, first freaking out then just telling myself it's normal….but when I had my third i didn't use any of the usual baby products on baby…and no cradle cap, then my hubby used one of the products that was gifted to us, and cradle cap pop up. So we just stopped and it went away, so something we may THINK is normal may not actually be……it's just become NORMAL for us to use all these baby products

  14. I had two babies 11 months apart! It was haaarrrddd I won’t lie but they’re now turning 4&5 years old and my oldest is in school, youngest is starting this year! It gets so much easier. Relationships go back to feeling normal again, you get more sleep (apart from when they get poorly) but life generally gets easier again! You’re smashing it Jess and Gabe you’ll get through these hard times you’re strong xx


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