THEY WERE RIGHT! Zombie Swarms Taking Over America After Emergency Alert Goes Wrong & Today’s News

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00:00 – Conspiracy Theorists Spiral Over Emergency Alert Test
04:15 – iShowSpeed Treated by Medics Elephant Toothpaste Challenge
07:11 – Hasan Faces Backlash for Comments on China & Tibet
09:32 – Sponsored by Raycon
10:29 – LA is Using AI to Predict Who Might Become Homeless & Help Before They Do
12:08 – Kevin McCarthy Ousted As Speaker of the House
16:08 – Journalists at India News Site Critical of Government Deal With Home Raidings
17:52 – What You All Thought About Yesterday’s Stories

Produced by: Cory Ray
Edited by: James Girardier, Maxx Enright, Julie Goldberg, Christian Meeks
Art Department: William Crespo
Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian Espinoza, Lili Stenn, Maddie Crichton, Star Pralle, Chris Tolve
#DeFranco #iShowSpeed #Hasanabi


47 thoughts on “THEY WERE RIGHT! Zombie Swarms Taking Over America After Emergency Alert Goes Wrong & Today’s News”

  1. It would honestly be interesting to have the speaker of the house not be a rep and be non partisan. It feels like we are constantly faced with nearly shutting down the government just because one side wants to flex or not cooperate. The speaker should act more as a mediator and less of a figure head of the current party in power.

  2. LA will literally try everything to "fix homelessness" except for actually put people in homes. We have more available units than unhoused folks, but all the lanlords on city council dont want to hold landlords accountable.

  3. So pretty much you don't want us to question the narrative and just go on with our everyday lives like the zombies we are. I have a question why didn't we get Amber alerts when the Twin Towers went crumbling down on 9/11? I mean amber alerts have been around before cell phones so why didn't we get it then? Always question the narrative ladies and gentlemen.

  4. As long as he’s not showing kids how to mix chlorine bleach and vinegar Speed is good. Experiment went wrong and he paid for it, if a kid wants to imitate an experiment gone wrong it’s called natural selection

  5. My mom is a conspiracy theorist and it's so exhausting. You can try every method. Showing conflicting evidence, articles she sends me having misquoted multiple of their sources, showing her scientific physic papers that explain phenomena that she contributes to some conspirancy ("TLDR and too complicated"), explaining how statistics are misrepresented and leaving out important information and are therefore useless, just pure logic no other prove or source, it just doesn't matter.
    The worst thing for me is that even the most innocent topics can somehow lead to her talking about conspiracies. Even though I have about 15 years experience talking to her about this, I still can't completely manage to avoid them.

  6. Most of the conspiracies can't be proven or disproven. But here's the secret, none of it matters. We are only here a short time. Dont waste time worrying about the end of the world. The world will end for each person. Enjoy life and thank God for the opportunity to be here.

  7. Literally most the crap you spit out, NO ONE EVER SAID
    You are just making crap up, to push the notion that people speaking out against the narrative are insane. You are doing so because YouTube tells and pays you to.

  8. Historically speaking Hasan is correct, especially with the analogue to the the American civil war. While ending slavery was not the sole reason for either as other material conditions for the conflicts existed slavery was a major issue. Tibet was a fundamentalist medieval feudal slave state under a god prince which should have no place in the world.
    Many Tibetans fought in the Peoples Liberation Army against the Tibetan state to end the practice. An the current situation/what is largely know about it in the west comes from a Pro-Nato outlook for the purposes of being a cudgel against China to further justify aggression against the CCP

  9. So, uh… I'm pretty sure that the people who believe in conspiracy theories… they think the normal state of the world is that things don't change, society doesn't change, technology doesn't change… that everything NEW we experience in life is due to evil people trying to take away everything we love. After all, if the natural state of our world is that nothing ever changes, then all change of any kind is proof of a conspiracy against us.

  10. What speed is doing wouldn't bother me if he put a disclaimer to not try what he's doing at the bottom of the video. Of course some idiots will still, and of course he's entitled to Darwin himself to death. But a disclaimer would show he values the lives of his viewers more than his fame and money, and it would have a negligible impact on his fame or money.

  11. Just because a country's per-capita GDP is lower than, say, the US, doesn't mean they can't be colonialist. The definition of colonialism makes that very clear. Also, conspiracy theorists are just suffering from the dunning-kruger effect.

  12. Oh boy, I hope the House Speaker story gets mentioned on Last Week Tonight, I'll be disappointed if he doesn't do a bit about how Patrick McHenry looks like his and Anderson Coopers illegitimate lovechild.

  13. Bro, you need to stop putting yourself down. You've been open about your mental health and the challenges, and this is comming from a place of love, those put downs you use to compare or contrast yourself to others need to change. I understand your intent to let others know that you don't have a large ego or are overly self important. We all know this already. My group of friends jump on eachother when we talk like that. It's funny because the line is always the same, " Don't talk about my friend like that!" It cuts the tension and brings a smile to everyone. So Phill, don't talk about my favorite youtuber like that!

  14. India is quite far down the road of authoritarianism. The government still protects those behind the 1984 Sikh genocide. Modi's party openly admires fascists. The RSS marches are chilling displays of the Hindu supremacist movement that fuels them. Freedom of speach effectively fell by the wayside long ago. "The world's largest democracy" is steadily moving farther and farther away from democratic ideals.

  15. Though I agree that McCarthy dug his own grave. It's not a comforting thought that a single member can call a no confidence vote into session. And that 8 total members can have so much weight. The Reps really need to get thier shit together asap

  16. as a history nerd i somewhat agree with hasan, we whitewash our own imperialistic history, yet blatantly overlook any positive progress from countries we dont like. i dont like everything the chinese govt does, but its hard to say they dont care about their citizens, they have industrialised their country so fast, trying to go in and develop rural areas can be controversial so that is why some regions are still stuck in the past, but the regions that wanted development got it.

  17. With a PhD in History the US does an incredibly piss poor job at educating history outside of a Eurocentric approach, our text books today are based off of the 90's philosophy at the time and it will be another 30 years or so to catch up to today. Let alone try and bring up (relatively neitch) areas of history like Tibet when you only have a short period of time to cover all of the world history events in a highschool setting.


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