They Tried Something New… | No Man's Sky ECHOES REVIEW

No Man’s Sky ECHOES is 2023’s big summer update. It includes a lot of great new content surrounding the autophage, the game’s new race of alien robots. New voltaic staff and Atlantid multi-tools give us new options. Autophage camps are full of new mission-givers and other tech. Elsewhere space combat has been expanded to include the new space pirate dreadnaughts. In fact, there are too many new features to list in the ECHOES update. This is my review, my impressions, of NMS ECHOES. It’s going to be a long one!

#NoMansSky #NMS #Kanaju

Chapters of this Review:
00:02:36 – Overview of NMS ECHOES Update
00:05:34 – Autophage Content
00:08:13 – Voltaic Staff Multi-Tools
00:10:20 – Atlantid Multi-Tool
00:11:24 – Autophage Camps
00:13:11 – New Space Combat
00:14:18 – Pirate Dreadnaught Battle
00:19:28 – Miscellaneous Features
00:20:59 – Missed Opportunities
00:25:55 – Review Verdicts
00:28:15 – Final Conclusions
00:29:06 – Outro

No Man’s Sky ECHOES Trailer:
Source for mission requirements:

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Music: Subway Cell by Shane Ivers, Save Us Now by Shane Ivers, The Wonders of Science by Shane Ivers, Set It Upby Shane Ivers, Saturated Drops by Shane Ivers –


34 thoughts on “They Tried Something New… | No Man's Sky ECHOES REVIEW”

  1. Even if they can't or wont increase the number of multitools, they could give us a Cargo box or something that is usable to store our unwanted/unused multitools
    Also NMS Echoes = Adeptus Mechanicus is here bit.hes!

  2. I agree that we need more multitool slots or, as some other comments have suggested, gun racks or cabinets, that way you have to decide which ones you wana bring with you while away from home or your freighter.

    Also something that's more a wish for something I wana see in game, I would like to see some updates to settlement managing, like the ability to start another settlement from the ground up, or a way to set up defenses for the settlement for when the sentinels decide to attack and some more urgency to stop the attacks quickly like with pirate dreadnoughts.

  3. This looks amazing as always but it's sort of strange that they've reimplemented some of the story from Singularity. As someone who has never completed any expedition I feel like I've missed a lot even though I've been playing for years. Surely it would be easier to make expeditions replayable and get players to follow the story that way.

  4. Is all of the story from the old weekend missions relevant in any way? If so, and maybe even if not, is there a way to experience that content if we missed it the first time?

  5. 1. How do you trap animals in the glass cuboid???
    2. How do you get a sentinel dog??
    3. How can I get a wonder projector? That is awesome
    4. How do you get a little display gek for your starship? I always see them in videos but have no idea how to get customizations like that, please help

  6. I can only understand some very rare occasions where someone wouldnt subscribe to a channel due to their voice and this definitely isn't one of them.

    This was a very well made video and a great way to learn about the major features that came with the update. I've definitely subscribed for more. Keep up the great work!

  7. I think the content gating provided by this update is justified, BUT I will say that I hope a future update improves the actual content that is gating this, as Settlements/base building could use work, and I think many of the climbs up communication stations in The Artemis Path could just be replaced with comm chatter in your starship.

    As another example, IMO the recruitable technicians should have their function as infinite quest vendors retired and just have start to finish questlines. The game has outgrown the need for them doing that and they could easily do something better like sell you Upgrade Modules once their quests are done

  8. You have to defeat 5 waves of sentinels to get a pillar location, but once you've found it you can melee boost straight to the console and shut the whole planet down before the guards have a chance to aggro.
    They just drop canisters all around – you don't have to fight them again.

  9. One of my favourite things about Elite Dangerous was just how hair-raising it was when Capital Ships warp into the conflict zone.
    Where the sound and visuals of them warping into system creates an impending sense of dread.
    Elite Dangerous always had thee best sound design of any space game I've played.

    Here's a link to a video that puts this on display:

    I'm love No Man's Sky and what they've been doing for No Man's Sky. Hello Games knocks it out of the park for this.

    Where many of us ED players have a very bitter relationship with FDev.
    I left when they dropped Console Support. Then I got way more into NMS. Been following it since.

  10. I agree that every aspect of Echos sounds awesome. These devs keep doing amazing work, I hope people keep throwing money at them. I'm not so sure I agree with your opinion about the multitool slots though, since I'm big on the immersion. Imagine when hardware gets so good that rendering your multitools hanging from your person would be inconsequential to performance. Even carrying 6 multitools on your person would look awkward.

    I think a better solution would be to give multitools an item form, so that they can be unequipped and stored in your inventory. That way you can have your collection stored at home, and grab them later if you want, but without the advantage of being able to switch to so many different options all the time. How you build your tool is an important aspect to strategy, and having the ability to quick swap to the perfect tool for every possible situations would be broken. 

    Even 6 is too much in my opinion. They could do what they did with pets and start you off with maybe 2 slots and make them exponentially more expensive to unlock too: Cheap for the 3rd, not bad for the 4th, getting expensive on the 5th, the 6th is expensive, 7th is very expensive, 8th is extremely expensive, 9th is ridiculously expensive, et cetera. I think normal currency units or a new currency/components would make the most sense for these upgrades.

    Before they did that I'd like to see more work on storage in general though. You can easily cheese that feature of multitools by storing them in your inventory to quickly swap them out, and by getting a freighter with storage. I'd like to see them implement item size, which for reasons I can't understand is being ignored in games lately. Being able to store a single spec of ferrite dust and a massive dinosaur skeleton in the same space is just silly. Also the giant connected storage boxes are awesome, but those are like endgame rewards in most survival games. Being able to store things in unconnected chests and things like weapon stands should be the initial storage options.

    These should happen before multitools become inventory items so that people can't cheese it without consequences, having larger multitools with more upgrades taking up more inventory slots at a time. With this system an alternative to the current stack size difficulty setting could be say doubling the number of apparent slots (both in inventory and storage containers) instead of doubling the stack size, buying a new inventory slot making 2 new slots appear automatically while on that setting. Which would also make it much easier to reduce that setting later on with stack sizes holding to a standard.

  11. If they could fix the crashes on switch that happen every five minutes that would be great because as a new player only 45 hours in it’s frustrating because I love the game already. Also this just started for me today after the update before it would crash every now and then but now I can’t do anything for more than a few minutes without it crashing.


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