They said RATS wouldn't get this far in Escape From Tarkov

Edited by BoomBoomBilly,
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25 thoughts on “They said RATS wouldn't get this far in Escape From Tarkov”

  1. I get extract camped like 3/10 times to 4, and when I do I just extract camp for a game or two then realize how boring it is and then I stop I’m not bagging on it, I have a few rat spots but I like to rat big pop areas I love watching stank but people saying please stop is dumb shits gonna be there forever in every game. Every game I play there’s a form of ratting people get mad that people use their brain 😂

  2. I started watching stank and now I’ve camped d2 a few times already. I can’t stop. Need i seek help? What kind of abomination might i be turning into? Why do i feel the urge to sit somewhere secluded with a sniper and pistol? What’s happening to me?

  3. one of the only times ive been extract camped was by two scavs at nakatani and i was a scav… i was randomly shooting out of frustration after breaking my legs. they must have thought i was shooting at them and shot back, i didnt shoot back hoping they would see i was a scav but they were new so i had to fight back. i had no idea they were even there. killed one and the other killed me. i gained scav karma lol.

  4. funny that pestily thinks rats dont make it far in tarkov wipes lmfao ive never been a chad and have made it to lvl 48 in a previous wipe, most wipes i end up making it to around 40 and just getting bored of the game itself, loading screens, time in stash organizing, hideout management when all i really want to do is find some fat loot, get a cheeky kill or two and get out but it's like the 10-20 minutes or so in between raids doing everything else that annoys tf out of me, i've gotten to the point these last few wipes where i genuinely dont even care about quests or loot anymore, soon as i get out of raid i literally just sell everything to traders bc i couldnt be bothered sitting there putting evvvvvvvvery little thing up on the flea one or two items at a time.

    i do find it funny though, pest thinks just because he no lifes the game 24/7 as a streamer that no "rat" will ever make it that far…. im a rat going for kappa this wipe since ive never done it and i think it would be a fitting end to tarkov for me for good. have had EOD for like 6 years now and im ready for the next good game within this genre, tired of buggy old cheater infested tarkov, same old maps, same old playstyles, same old tetris in the stash and micromanaging tf out of a fully leveled hideout, tired of the laggy ass main menu whenever you hit escape or go from menu to hideout or vice versa. tired of the new metas every few weeks because BSG decided to change something about the game they thought would help "balance" shit but instead they only ever make things more tedious and complicated, making the game less fun all around. like ammo you used to just be able to buy from traders or on the market but now all the even slightly decent ammo is locked behind literally endless quest lines and behind high level caps so now you have to put 350 hours into the game every single wipe just to get ammo that is worth a raid, meanwhile cheaters are running around with green tracer or m855 just head eyes'ing everybody, but i, a legit player have to grind my dick off just to get ammo that can slightly damage a cheaters armor before they inevitably head eyes me in 1 shot. oh and i cant even buy that halfway decent ammo from traders anymore, i have to do their 47 quests in a row just so i can CRAFT the ammo back in my hideout… sick so every time i want to use that ammo, i have to craft it but you can only craft 90 rounds at a time and it takes 4 hours each "craft" you do. so sick BSG, i love having to wait 18 hours before i can get enough ammo for a decent P90 run bc the gun shoots the ammo at light speed, rather than just buying said ammo from the traders after completing the quest line….

    hence why i hate questing now and the changes they made to the EXP systems for EXP from kills completely killed the chad vibe i had going a few years ago where i wouldnt quest at all, just run in loot, kill and leave and make 20k exp per good raid i didnt die in… now that that's gone i am forced to quest for levels and i get jack shit for questing other than the EXP which i guess would be fine if leveling traders had any point to it but only max level traders are worth it, they're the only ones who will sell you anything useful at this point in the wipe so enjoy having a rough time if you dont already have max traders and even then, you can buy an entire kit from them that's a good kit…. but good luck getting decent ammo for that kit because you cant buy it from them anymore, hope you have your hideout workbench max level otherwise you cant craft it either but not just that, you cant even craft it without completing their ridiculously long quest lines, you wont see halfway decent ammo until about lvl 35 which is about 3 million EXP to reach. guess it gives you a reason to scav now, ive been using my scavs to run reserve and yoink all the ammo i can find to use on my PMC raids.

    long rant short, rats can make it to Kappa easily, i avoid fights as often as i can these days so i can get quests done faster since that's apparently the point of the game now, am currently lvl 34 and about halfway to kappa. the game is way less fun now playing it this way, there are way too many complications BSG added to impede progress and stop you from getting decent ammo early on around lvl 20, the game is still incredibly broken and HORRIBLY optimized and honestly, i just cant wait for another company to make a game within the genre that is just flatout better than tarkov all around.. if that ever happens, who knows. but if it does, i hope it happens soon while the playerbase is there for it. i think this is definitely my last wipe of tarkov, this has also been the wipe ive seen the most confirmed cheaters on NA east on numerous maps other than labs. also, pestily is waaaaaaay out of touch lately and i cant stand his attitude anymore "oive been playing tahkov for yeahs, oi know everything about the game m8, even how many cheaters there are on every server around the world m8"

  5. bro idk how the BTR didnt kill you lmfao apparently it wont shoot through walls anymore? when i was on streets with a buddy of mine it shot him straight through the wall of the apartment we were sitting in and sniping from, he peaked the window for a split second and got back down and it straight blasted his ass through the wall


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