They made Mother Brain way too hot in this

Not that we’re looking up anything like that.

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33 thoughts on “They made Mother Brain way too hot in this”

  1. I was over at a friend's house in middle school cause his sister's birthday party was going on and he wanted someone to hang out with. His dad was watching a movie called "Ninja Cheerleaders" on TV and it had the hilarious idea of putting.. adult dancers as almost every scene transition. And his dad said "this movie's a little too hot for a girl's birthday, we'll watch this later" and we did

  2. for 37:18 I don't think it's that people forget that famous people are real people. I think it's more that there's a general assumption that if you're doing something, you must be interested in it. Why would you be a musician if you hate music? You could be literally anything else instead. So, when people meet a famous person, I think the tendency would be towards discussing that established common ground which is their interest in something that you also evidentally find interesting.

    What I think people more struggle with is understanding exactly how exhausting it can be to have almost the exact same conversation with hundreds or even thousands of people. Its difficult to understand how that experience could be if you've never experienced it first hand or at least had it explained directly to you.

  3. 41:51 Man, don't you hate it when you're at a party and starting to feel tired, so you go to leave and just a bunch of bugmen you don't know try to talk to you about something you don't care about, and you're forced to vaporize them with your rainbow Pride laser?

  4. can't help but be a little frustrated with this ep, considering how often ya'll put genuine effort into being respectful of marginalized communities and the like. I had hoped there was an understanding of how much more impact matters rather than intent, especially when it comes to comedy. Just because you don't know something is harmful doesn't make it any less harmful. No one is expecting people to feel guilty every time they mess up, just acknowledge it was wrong rather than justify it by saying "well I didn't know".

  5. People who get offended by things just need to start being ignored.
    If anything you do now could possibly be looked at as "omg offensive!" in 30 years like holding a bottle of water, WHY give those people ANY credence at all? Dont give them any validation. Make your gay/trans jokes. Make whatever jokes you want. Fuck 'em. If they are offended thats THEIR problem!

  6. I understand what Dan is trying to say about the intent of comedians, but even 20 years ago, jokes about gay and trans people (punching down) were clearly made with some form of malicious intent. Yes, those comedians were most likely ignorant, but that's not an excuse for apathy or the perpetuation of the harmful status quo. I know not all those comedians are bad people, and I tolerate a few old bad jokes myself because of nostalgia, but that legacy of punching down, spreading hatred, and profiting from it is still very much intact and it's dangerous.

    My point is, I'm trans and I love trans jokes. Good ones made by either trans people or allies who have a funny story or funny commentary. You can make super funny jokes about us, with us, without having to walk on eggshells. It's easy, y'all are respectful and I really like your jokes, because I trust your allyship. Sorry for the rant, I'm just really passionate about comedy and the distinction between laughing with us and laughing at us.

  7. So glad you guys were able to FINALLY finish this. Took a while to get his last one uploaded huh? That fucking Dyke Frosk is such a damn jerk. I hope she never gets hired in media AGAIN!! Baseketball is still funny. One of the Cocreators is gay so they can make those jokes I guess. Plus it's ALWAYS FUNNY to make fun of trans people for the mistake they made of getting a stupid sex change in the first place. XD If people can laugh at religion then they can laugh at transgender people as well…you can't be picky about one thing while letting another thing slide.

  8. As a community, in these trying times, we must set aside our differences and to cum together as one people………………………………………………………………………………………………;)

  9. 27:48 Hearing Dan go deep into how humor differentiates with everyone, everywhere no matter what or when it's presented is so engaging (especially with the eerie Metroid themes in the background)


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