They Had NO RIGHT to Make Them Like This! | Coral Island First Impression

Here’s a quick Coral Island “First Look” game review where we discuss the main aspects of the game, from farming to diving, and even the game’s design!

Coral Island is a farming life sim with RPG elements, that has recently been fully released! It is heavily focused on coral restoration and nature.

#coralislandgame #cozygames #farminggame #lifesim


🐱Mr. Jitz

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12 thoughts on “They Had NO RIGHT to Make Them Like This! | Coral Island First Impression”

  1. AHAHAHAHA AWWWW Meerkat, you are the cutest!!!! THANK YOU FOR HEEDING MY CALL (I mean, strictly, OUR call XD your community needs this!) AND RETURNING TO THE CORAL MINES! <3

    This must be my new favorite video of yours, the little Sailor Moon gifs, the emotions, and the reoccuring Theo abs X'D I nearly died drowing in my tea laughing. I also believe they made the active map for us to chase after our crushes XD I firstly thought "Yeah, Theo seems nice" and then his beach outfit happens and I goggled like "hewwo, I am looking respectfully o-o" aahahah. So I feel you and I validate your experience!! 😀

    I have been trying to date Alice (she seems so sweet) but when I was introduced into the Smiling Mercenaries, suddenly Axel was on screen and I started YELLING! AND HE IS NOT ROMANCABLE!!!!! But I've been hearing an uproar on the internet that more people like me want to date this hot mercenary so maaaybe I will be lucky in a future patch ^^ In the meantime I will marry Alice and give Axel the "we have seen you from the other side of the bar and dig your vibes" energy until he becomes datable XD

    Really loved the whole vibe of this video (you never miss, Meer!!) and hope despite all your many hours you spent in early access, you might enjoy the game again in 1.0 with all your prior riches and earnings 🙂 (you can give Theo expensive gifts! *wink wink)

    THANK YOU for this excellent video in how to oggle at- I mean…. about Coral Island 😀 (which is totally not a game about finding your perfect crush but about how to be mindful about keeping the environment clean, yes yes!)

  2. Called "little" by a mongoose…..what has my life become… not crying.Anyways,awesome video as always <3 Soon ill also fall into the trap of simping for Coral Island npcs…muhahaha.

  3. Raphael and Mark are definitely my faves. LOL i think i have a type???

    Also one criticism i have about the game is the fact that none of the main storylines are completed? Which kind of doesn't make sense to me?? I feel like at least one of them should have been completed before the 1.0 release. But that's just my opinion!

  4. I think this might be my new favorite video 😳 so lively and very well made video 🔥🔥 wow!!! Oh also the game looks great I hope Theo treats you well 😌 great job meerkat :)🎉

  5. Love this game! Got my husband addicted to it as well! this is my number one farming/life sim, and I absolutely cannot wait for the next update already! lol the most excited for the multiplayer update so I can actually play with my husband in game!


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