They found a statue of an angel, a messenger of the apocalypse among the permafrost #shorts short

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34 thoughts on “They found a statue of an angel, a messenger of the apocalypse among the permafrost #shorts short”

  1. Messanger of apacolypse? A messenger with a sword and shield?. Anyway this video is fake and somebody probably getting a youtube playbutton. .as lately fakeness is all people can put on social media.

  2. The angel of death. Sent down to fight the devils on earth and retrieve what God needed to make man. The one who guides your soul from your body to where it needs to go when you die.

  3. I've seen a short video of not only one but at least 5 of them angles stone and they were literally !!moving!! and a Russian guy was shocked or excitement surprised! He was recording himself trying to feed them I CANT SEEM TO FIND THE SHORT VID CLIP??

    And this was at least a month ago Idid not think much of it until I came across the same exact figure but now with the title angle dug out of ground BRUH my jaw drooped!!!

    now "APPARENTLY" it was a joke


  4. Oh plz. Ppl are so easily deceived. The Bible is the MOST archeologically backed up book ever. This is just another example. Even the miners were saying it felt like their souls were jumping out, that the emotions were way too strong. I’m glad they documented it bc these devil worshipers will always deny God’s existence, while pushing satan all over the media until the time comes, n you have to take the mark of the beast. Don’t do it! Read your Bible before it’s too late ❤


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