They Dropped A Drone In Mel's Hole, What Was Captured Shocked The Whole World

Watching from the ground limits our view, but soaring drones capture the unseen ..
From implausible to unbelievable and perplexing clicks from all around the world .. Get ready to widen your eyes with these jaw-dropping drone footage ..

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14 thoughts on “They Dropped A Drone In Mel's Hole, What Was Captured Shocked The Whole World”

  1. Humans are said to not be able to survive at 7,000 feet or above. As numerous mountain climbers have proven, they must
    bring oxygen tanks when they are up so high & the same for paragliding. parachuting, or anyone up at that altitude. Only 1
    person is known to have lived when they got sucked up in a thunderstorm thermal. This woman paragliding got hung in a
    thermal that took her upwards at over 100ft per second rendering her unconscious & the way they knew how high she had
    gone was a device on her which kept a digital record of her trip. She was fortunate to have lived but they say at 7,000 ft is
    the "Death Zone" for us…… I ain't going up there !!

  2. That big hole in Russia that's not a crater the crater is made from a meteor that comes from the sky that's a hole a sinkhole or whatever all the holes that you're showing are technically not creators and there's also another reason why those faces were carved up on the side of that cliff I'll let you figure that out

  3. The one where you said that drone captured something flying in the sky why is the beginning of that the newscaster says it's a private plane that encounters the person with the jetpack then you said it's a drone pilot do you even watch your videos

  4. Am tired of all this videos always lieing they never show wat the title say and every channel is doing it smfh don't lie just to get views that's not right all this false advertising am going to start unsubscribing fr fr


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